This vocabulary lesson will teach you the Romanian words for buildings, monuments, streets and vehicles, as well as talking about different modes of public transportation.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Romanian“.

Cities & Traffic in Romanian

Previous lesson:

Shops, Buildings and Institutions

shop [Sg]magazin
shops [Pl]magazine
department store [Sg]magazin de reprezentație
department stores [Pl]magazine de reprezentație
kiosk [Sg]chioșc
kiosks [Pl]chioșcuri
bakery [Sg]brutărie
bakeries [Pl]brutări
confectionery [Sg]cofetărie
confectioneries [Pl]cofetări
butcher’s [Sg]măcelar
butchers [Pl]măcelări
market [Sg]piață
markets [Pl]piețe
library [Sg]librărie
libraries [Pl]librări
church [Sg]biserică
churches [Pl]biserici
cinema [Sg]cinema
cinemas [Pl]cinemauri
theater [Sg]teatru
theaters [Pl]teatre
hotel [Sg]hotel
hotels [Pl]hoteluri
bank [Sg]bancă
banks [Pl]bănci
school [Sg]școală
schools [Pl]școli
university [Sg]universitate
universities [Pl]universități
kindergarten [Sg]grădiniță
kindergartens [Pl]granițe
chemist’s / drugstore [Sg]farmacie
chemists / drugstores [Pl]farmaci
hospital [Sg]spital
hospitals [Pl]spitale

Cities and Places

town / city [Sg]oraș
towns / cities [Pl]orașe
house [Sg]casă
houses [Pl]case
building [Sg]clădire
buildings [Pl]clădiri
street / road [Sg]șosea

streets / roads [Pl]șosele

avenue [Sg]bulevard
avenues [Pl]bulevarduri
bridge [Sg]pod
bridges [Pl]poduri
center/city center [Sg]centrul orașului
centers/city centers [Pl]centrurile orașului
crossing [Sg]trecere de pietoni
crossings [Pl]treceri de pietoni
square [Sg]piață
squares [Pl]piețe
park [Sg]parc
parks [Pl]parcuri
landmark / sight [Sg]punct de reper
landmarks / sights [Pl]puncte de repere
monument [Sg]monument
monuments [Pl]monumente

Traffic, Vehicles and Transportation

vehicle [Sg]vehicul
vehicles [Pl]vehicule
car [Sg]mașină
cars [Pl]mașini
train [Sg]tren
trains [Pl]trenuri
bus [Sg]autobuz
busses [Pl]autobuze
tram [Sg]tramvai
trams [Pl]tramvaie
metro [Sg]metro
metros [Pl]metrouri
bicycle [Sg]bicicletă
bicycles [Pl]biciclete
motorbike [Sg]motocicletă
motorbikes [Pl]motocicleta
taxi [Sg]taxi
taxis [Pl]taxiuri
airplane [Sg]avion
airplanes [Pl]avione
ship [Sg]navă
ships [Pl]năvi
(train) station [Sg]gară
(train) stations [Pl]gări
main station [Sg]gară centrală
main stations [Pl]gările centrale
stop [Sg]stop

stops [Pl]stop-uri

station / stop [Sg]stație
stations / stops [Pl]stații
parking area [Sg]parcare
parking areas [Pl]parcări
petrol station [Sg]benzinărie
petrol stations [Pl]benzinări
(to) go by cara merge cu mașina
(to) go by motorbikea merge cu motocicleta
(to) go by bikea merge cu bicicleta
(to) go by busa merge cu autobuzul
(to) go by metroa merge cu metroul

Vocabulary trainer: Cities & Traffic in Romanian

How do you say
in Romanian?

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