This vocabulary lesson will teach you the Romanian words for buildings, monuments, streets and vehicles, as well as talking about different modes of public transportation.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Romanian“.
Previous lesson: Body & Health
Next lesson: Travelling & Leisure time
Shops, Buildings and Institutions
English | Romanian | Pronunciation (Audio) |
shop [Sg] | magazin | ro-sing_shop | shops [Pl] | magazine | ro-plur_shop |
department store [Sg] | magazin de reprezentație | ro-sing_department-store | department stores [Pl] | magazine de reprezentație | ro-plur_department-store |
kiosk [Sg] | chioșc | ro-sing_kiosk | kiosks [Pl] | chioșcuri | ro-plur_kiosk |
bakery [Sg] | brutărie | ro-sing_bakery | bakeries [Pl] | brutări | ro-plur_bakery |
confectionery [Sg] | cofetărie | ro-sing_confectionery | confectioneries [Pl] | cofetări | ro-plur_confectionery |
butcher’s [Sg] | măcelar | ro-sing_butchers | butchers [Pl] | măcelări | ro-plur_butchers |
market [Sg] | piață | ro-sing_market | markets [Pl] | piețe | ro-plur_market |
library [Sg] | librărie | ro-sing_library | libraries [Pl] | librări | ro-plur_library |
church [Sg] | biserică | ro-sing_church | churches [Pl] | biserici | ro-plur_church |
cinema [Sg] | cinema | ro-sing_cinema | cinemas [Pl] | cinemauri | ro-plur_cinema |
theater [Sg] | teatru | ro-sing_theater | theaters [Pl] | teatre | ro-plur_theater |
hotel [Sg] | hotel | ro-sing_hotel | hotels [Pl] | hoteluri | ro-plur_hotel |
bank [Sg] | bancă | ro-sing_bank | banks [Pl] | bănci | ro-plur_bank |
school [Sg] | școală | ro-sing_school | schools [Pl] | școli | ro-plur_school |
university [Sg] | universitate | ro-sing_university | universities [Pl] | universități | ro-plur_university |
kindergarten [Sg] | grădiniță | ro-sing_kindergarten | kindergartens [Pl] | granițe | ro-plur_kindergarten |
chemist’s / drugstore [Sg] | farmacie | ro-sing_chemistsdrugstore | chemists / drugstores [Pl] | farmaci | ro-plur_chemistsdrugstore |
hospital [Sg] | spital | ro-sing_hospital | hospitals [Pl] | spitale | ro-plur_hospital |
Cities and Places
English | Romanian | Pronunciation (Audio) |
town / city [Sg] | oraș | ro-sing_towncity | towns / cities [Pl] | orașe | ro-plur_towncity |
house [Sg] | casă | ro-sing_house | houses [Pl] | case | ro-plur_house |
building [Sg] | clădire | ro-sing_building | buildings [Pl] | clădiri | ro-plur_building |
street / road [Sg] | șosea drum | ro-sing_streetroad ro-sing_streetroad-2 | streets / roads [Pl] | șosele drumuri | ro-plur_streetroad ro-plur_streetroad-2 |
avenue [Sg] | bulevard | ro-sing_avenue | avenues [Pl] | bulevarduri | ro-plur_avenue |
bridge [Sg] | pod | ro-sing_bridge | bridges [Pl] | poduri | ro-plur_bridge |
center/city center [Sg] | centrul orașului | ro-sing_centercity-center | centers/city centers [Pl] | centrurile orașului | ro-plur_centercity-center |
crossing [Sg] | trecere de pietoni | ro-sing_crossing | crossings [Pl] | treceri de pietoni | ro-plur_crossing |
square [Sg] | piață | ro-sing_square | squares [Pl] | piețe | ro-plur_square |
park [Sg] | parc | ro-sing_park | parks [Pl] | parcuri | ro-plur_park |
landmark / sight [Sg] | punct de reper | ro-sing_landmarksight | landmarks / sights [Pl] | puncte de repere | ro-plur_landmarksight |
monument [Sg] | monument | ro-sing_monument | monuments [Pl] | monumente | ro-plur_monument |
Traffic, Vehicles and Transportation
English | Romanian | Pronunciation (Audio) |
vehicle [Sg] | vehicul | ro-sing_vehicle | vehicles [Pl] | vehicule | ro-plur_vehicle |
car [Sg] | mașină | ro-sing_car | cars [Pl] | mașini | ro-plur_car |
train [Sg] | tren | ro-sing_train | trains [Pl] | trenuri | ro-plur_train |
bus [Sg] | autobuz | ro-sing_bus | busses [Pl] | autobuze | ro-plur_bus |
tram [Sg] | tramvai | ro-sing_tram | trams [Pl] | tramvaie | ro-plur_tram |
metro [Sg] | metro | ro-sing_metro | metros [Pl] | metrouri | ro-plur_metro |
bicycle [Sg] | bicicletă | ro-sing_bicycle | bicycles [Pl] | biciclete | ro-plur_bicycle |
motorbike [Sg] | motocicletă | ro-sing_motorbike | motorbikes [Pl] | motocicleta | ro-plur_motorbike |
taxi [Sg] | taxi | ro-sing_taxi | taxis [Pl] | taxiuri | ro-plur_taxi |
airplane [Sg] | avion | ro-sing_airplane | airplanes [Pl] | avione | ro-plur_airplane |
ship [Sg] | navă | ro-sing_ship | ships [Pl] | năvi | ro-plur_ship |
(train) station [Sg] | gară | ro-sing_train-station | (train) stations [Pl] | gări | ro-plur_train-station |
main station [Sg] | gară centrală | ro-sing_main-station | main stations [Pl] | gările centrale | ro-plur_main-station |
stop [Sg] | stop sfârșit | ro-sing_stop ro-sing_stop-2 | stops [Pl] | stop-uri sfârșituri | ro-plur_stop ro-plur_stop-2 |
station / stop [Sg] | stație | ro-sing_stationstop | stations / stops [Pl] | stații | ro-plur_stationstop |
parking area [Sg] | parcare | ro-sing_parking-area | parking areas [Pl] | parcări | ro-plur_parking-area |
petrol station [Sg] | benzinărie | ro-sing_petrol-station | petrol stations [Pl] | benzinări | ro-plur_petrol-station |
(to) go by car | a merge cu mașina | ro-sing_to-go-by-car |
(to) go by motorbike | a merge cu motocicleta | ro-sing_to-go-by-motorbike |
(to) go by bike | a merge cu bicicleta | ro-sing_to-go-by-bike |
(to) go by bus | a merge cu autobuzul | ro-sing_to-go-by-bus |
(to) go by metro | a merge cu metroul | ro-sing_to-go-by-metro |
Vocabulary trainer: Cities & Traffic in Romanian
How do you say
in Romanian?
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Previous lesson: Body & Health
Next lesson: Travelling & Leisure time
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More Romanian lessons
- Numbers in Romanian
- Basic Conversation in Romanian
- Greeting & Farewell in Romanian
- Basic Romanian Verbs
- Basic Romanian Nouns
- Basic Romanian Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Romanian
- Countries & Languages in Romanian
- Date & Time in Romanian
- Holidays & Good wishes in Romanian
- Food & Drinks in Romanian
- People & Professions in Romanian
- Family & Friends in Romanian
- Body & Health in Romanian
- Travelling & Leisure time in Romanian
- Main page: Learn Romanian
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