Our final vocabulary lesson is all about travelling and vacations. Learn these Romanian words and you’ll be well prepared on your next journey abroad.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Romanian“.

Travelling & Leisure time in Romanian

Previous lesson:

Travelling & Leisure time

(to) travela călătoriro-sing_to-travel
journey / trip [Sg]călătorie
journeys / trips [Pl]călătorii
Bon voyage! / Have a good trip!Drum bun!
Călătorie plăcută!
vacation [Sg]vacanțăro-sing_vacation
vacations [Pl]vacanțero-plur_vacation
holiday [Sg]concediuro-sing_holiday
holidays [Pl]concediiro-plur_holiday
suitcase [Sg]valizăro-sing_suitcase
suitcases [Pl]valizero-plur_suitcase
(to) pack bagsa face bagajulro-sing_to-pack-bags
rucksack [Sg]rucksackro-sing_rucksack
rucksacks [Pl]rucksack-uriro-plur_rucksack
baggage [Sg]bagajero-sing_baggage
baggage [Pl]bagajero-plur_baggage
guide book [Sg]ghid de călătoriero-sing_guide-book
guide books [Pl]ghiduriro-plur_guide-book
passport [Sg]pașaportro-sing_passport
passports [Pl]pașapoartero-plur_passport
border [Sg]granițăro-sing_border
borders [Pl]granițero-plur_border
hotel [Sg]hotelro-sing_hotel
hotels [Pl]hoteluriro-plur_hotel
(to) reserve / (to) booka rezervaro-sing_to-reserveto-book
reservation [Sg]rezervarero-sing_reservation
reservations [Pl]rezervăriro-plur_reservation
tourist [Sg]turist, turistăro-sing_touristro-sing_tourist-2
tourists [Pl]turiștiro-plur_tourist
tourist information [Sg]informații turisticero-sing_tourist-information
tourist information [Pl]informații turisticero-plur_tourist-information
map / plan [Sg]hartăro-sing_mapplan
maps / plan [Pl]hărțiro-plur_mapplan
city map / town map [Sg]harta orașuluiro-sing_city-maptown-map
city maps / town maps [Pl]hărți ale orașuluiro-plur_city-maptown-map
trip / excursion [Sg]excursiero-sing_tripexcursion
trips / excursions [Pl]excursiiro-plur_tripexcursion
tent [Sg]cortro-sing_tent
tents [Pl]corturiro-plur_tent
camping site [Sg]campingro-sing_camping-site
camping sites [Pl]camping-uriro-plur_camping-site
(to) tent / (to) campa camparo-sing_to-tentto-camp
(to) bathe / (to) go swimminga face baie
a înota
beach [Sg]plajăro-sing_beach
beaches [Pl]plajero-plur_beach
plane [Sg]avionro-sing_plane
planes [Pl]avionero-plur_plane
(to) flya zburaro-sing_to-fly
airport [Sg]aeroportro-sing_airport
airports [Pl]aeroporturiro-plur_airport
ship [Sg]navăro-sing_ship
ships [Pl]navero-plur_ship
port / harbour [Sg]portro-sing_portharbour
ports / harbours [Pl]porturiro-plur_portharbour

Vocabulary trainer: Travelling & Leisure time in Romanian

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in Romanian?

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