Our final vocabulary lesson is all about travelling and vacations. Learn these Romanian words and you’ll be well prepared on your next journey abroad.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Romanian“.
Previous lesson: Cities & Traffic
Travelling & Leisure time
English | Romanian | Pronunciation (Audio) |
(to) travel | a călători | ro-sing_to-travel |
journey / trip [Sg] | călătorie voiaj | ro-sing_journeytrip ro-sing_journeytrip-2 | journeys / trips [Pl] | călătorii voiaje | ro-plur_journeytrip ro-plur_journeytrip-2 |
Bon voyage! / Have a good trip! | Drum bun! Călătorie plăcută! | ro-sing_bon-voyagehave-a-good-trip ro-sing_bon-voyagehave-a-good-trip-2 |
vacation [Sg] | vacanță | ro-sing_vacation | vacations [Pl] | vacanțe | ro-plur_vacation |
holiday [Sg] | concediu | ro-sing_holiday | holidays [Pl] | concedii | ro-plur_holiday |
suitcase [Sg] | valiză | ro-sing_suitcase | suitcases [Pl] | valize | ro-plur_suitcase |
(to) pack bags | a face bagajul | ro-sing_to-pack-bags |
rucksack [Sg] | rucksack | ro-sing_rucksack | rucksacks [Pl] | rucksack-uri | ro-plur_rucksack |
baggage [Sg] | bagaje | ro-sing_baggage | baggage [Pl] | bagaje | ro-plur_baggage |
guide book [Sg] | ghid de călătorie | ro-sing_guide-book | guide books [Pl] | ghiduri | ro-plur_guide-book |
passport [Sg] | pașaport | ro-sing_passport | passports [Pl] | pașapoarte | ro-plur_passport |
border [Sg] | graniță | ro-sing_border | borders [Pl] | granițe | ro-plur_border |
hotel [Sg] | hotel | ro-sing_hotel | hotels [Pl] | hoteluri | ro-plur_hotel |
(to) reserve / (to) book | a rezerva | ro-sing_to-reserveto-book |
reservation [Sg] | rezervare | ro-sing_reservation | reservations [Pl] | rezervări | ro-plur_reservation |
tourist [Sg] | turist, turistă | ro-sing_touristro-sing_tourist-2 | tourists [Pl] | turiști | ro-plur_tourist |
tourist information [Sg] | informații turistice | ro-sing_tourist-information | tourist information [Pl] | informații turistice | ro-plur_tourist-information |
map / plan [Sg] | hartă | ro-sing_mapplan | maps / plan [Pl] | hărți | ro-plur_mapplan |
city map / town map [Sg] | harta orașului | ro-sing_city-maptown-map | city maps / town maps [Pl] | hărți ale orașului | ro-plur_city-maptown-map |
trip / excursion [Sg] | excursie | ro-sing_tripexcursion | trips / excursions [Pl] | excursii | ro-plur_tripexcursion |
tent [Sg] | cort | ro-sing_tent | tents [Pl] | corturi | ro-plur_tent |
camping site [Sg] | camping | ro-sing_camping-site | camping sites [Pl] | camping-uri | ro-plur_camping-site |
(to) tent / (to) camp | a campa | ro-sing_to-tentto-camp |
(to) bathe / (to) go swimming | a face baie a înota | ro-sing_to-batheto-go-swimming ro-sing_to-batheto-go-swimming-2 |
beach [Sg] | plajă | ro-sing_beach | beaches [Pl] | plaje | ro-plur_beach |
plane [Sg] | avion | ro-sing_plane | planes [Pl] | avione | ro-plur_plane |
(to) fly | a zbura | ro-sing_to-fly |
airport [Sg] | aeroport | ro-sing_airport | airports [Pl] | aeroporturi | ro-plur_airport |
ship [Sg] | navă | ro-sing_ship | ships [Pl] | nave | ro-plur_ship |
port / harbour [Sg] | port | ro-sing_portharbour | ports / harbours [Pl] | porturi | ro-plur_portharbour |
Vocabulary trainer: Travelling & Leisure time in Romanian
How do you say
in Romanian?
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Previous lesson: Cities & Traffic
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More Romanian lessons
- Numbers in Romanian
- Basic Conversation in Romanian
- Greeting & Farewell in Romanian
- Basic Romanian Verbs
- Basic Romanian Nouns
- Basic Romanian Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Romanian
- Countries & Languages in Romanian
- Date & Time in Romanian
- Holidays & Good wishes in Romanian
- Food & Drinks in Romanian
- People & Professions in Romanian
- Family & Friends in Romanian
- Body & Health in Romanian
- Cities & Traffic in Romanian
- Main page: Learn Romanian
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