Nouns represent people or things. You’ll need them whenever you want to refer to somebody or something. Memorize the Romanian nouns below and you’ll be well equipped for almost every basic conversation.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Romanian“.

Basic Words & Phrases: Nouns

Previous lesson:

Important nouns

child [Sg]copil
children [Pl]copii
man [Sg]bărbat
men [Pl]bărbați
woman [Sg]femeie
women [Pl]femei
family [Sg]familie
families [Pl]famili
town / city [Sg]oraș
towns / cities [Pl]orașe
country [Sg]țară
countries [Pl]tări
world [Sg]mondial

worlds [Pl]lumi
house [Sg]casă
houses [Pl]case
car [Sg]mașină
cars [Pl]mașini
street / road [Sg]drum
streets / roads [Pl]drumuri
shop [Sg]magazin
shops [Pl]magazine
door [Sg]ușă
doors [Pl]uși
table [Sg]masă
tables [Pl]mese
chair [Sg]scaun
chairs [Pl]scaune
window [Sg]fereastră
windows [Pl]ferestre
newspaper [Sg]ziar
newspapers [Pl]ziare
book [Sg]carte
books [Pl]cărți
pen [Sg]stilou

pens [Pl]stilouri

bag [Sg]geantă
bags [Pl]genți
rucksack [Sg]rucsac
rucksacks [Pl]rucsac-uri
happiness [Sg]fericire
happiness [Pl]fericiri
flower [Sg]floare
flowers [Pl]flori
ball [Sg]minge
balls [Pl]mingi
work [Sg]loc de muncă
works [Pl]locuri de muncă
vacation [Sg]vacanță
vacations [Pl]vacanțe
passport [Sg]pașaport
passports [Pl]pașapoarte
language [Sg]limba
languages [Pl]limbi
question [Sg]întrebare
questions [Pl]întrebări
answer [Sg]răspuns
answers [Pl]răspunsuri
beginning / start [Sg]început

beginnings / starts [Pl]începuturi
end [Sg]sfârșit
ends [Pl]sfârșituri

Vocabulary trainer: Basic Nouns in Romanian

How do you say
in Romanian?

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