Let’s talk about people, jobs and professions. These words and phrases will help you when talking about yourself and others, or when you’re planning to apply for a new job abroad.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Romanian“.

People & Professions in Romanian

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human (being) / person [Sg]persoană
human (being) / person [Pl]persoane
people / humans [Sg]oameni
people / humans [Pl]oameni
woman [Sg]femeie
women [Pl]femei
man [Sg]bărbat
men [Pl]bărbați
child [Sg]copil
children [Pl]copii
girl [Sg]fată
girls [Pl]fete
boy [Sg]băiat
boys [Pl]băieți


profession [Sg]profesor
professions [Pl]profesori
employee / worker [Sg]angajat
employees / workers [Pl]angajați
clerk / official [Sg]funcționar
clerks / officials [Pl]funcționari
colleague [Sg]coleg
colleagues [Pl]colegi
pensioner / retiree [Sg]pensionar
pensioners / retirees [Pl]pensionari
unemployed person / jobseeker [Sg]șomer
unemployed persons / jobseekers [Pl]șomeri
doctor [Sg]doctor
doctors [Pl]doctori
journalist [Sg]jurnalist
journalists [Pl]jurnaliști
engineer [Sg]inginer
engineers [Pl]ingineri
boss [Sg]șef
bosses [Pl]șefi
director [Sg]director
directors [Pl]directori
manager [Sg]director
managers [Pl]directori
secretary [Sg]secretar
secretaries [Pl]secretari
driver [Sg]șofer
drivers [Pl]șoferi
farmer [Sg]fermier
farmers [Pl]fermieri
baker [Sg]brutar
bakers [Pl]brutari
salesman (m), saleswoman (f) [Sg]vânzător (m), vânzătoare (f)
salesmen (m), saleswomen (f) [Pl]vânzători (m), vânzătorese (f)
nurse [Sg]asistentă
nurses [Pl]asistente
policeman (m), policewoman (f) [Sg]polițist (m), polițistă (f)
policemen (m), policewomen (f) [Pl]polițiști (m), polițiste (f)
cook / chef [Sg]bucătar (m), bucătăreasă (f)
cooks / chefs [Pl]bucătari (m), bucătărese (f)
teacher (m), female teacher (f) [Sg]profesor (m), profesoară (f)
teachers (m), female teachers (f) [Pl]profesorese
shoemaker [Sg]cizmar
shoemakers [Pl]cizmari
watchmaker [Sg]ceasornicar
watchmakers [Pl]ciasornicari

Work & Application

(to) worka lucra
work / job [Sg]serviciu
work / job [Pl]servicii
workplace [Sg]loc de muncă
workplaces [Pl]locuri de munca
employment / occupation [Sg]angajator
employments / occupations [Pl]angajatori
office [Sg]birou
offices [Pl]birouri
factory [Sg]fabrică
factories [Pl]fabrici
construction site [Sg]șantier
construction sites [Pl]șantiere
salary [Sg]salar
salaries [Pl]salari
(to) earna câștiga
(to) look for a joba căuta de lucru
(to) find a joba găsi de lucru
job interview [Sg]interviu
job interviews [Pl]interviuri
CVs [Pl]Cv-uri
experience [Sg]experiență
experiences [Pl]experiențe

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