This vocabulary lesson will teach you the German words for buildings, monuments, streets and vehicles, as well as talking about different modes of public transportation.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning German“.

Cities & Traffic in German

Previous lesson:

Shops, Buildings and Institutions

shop [Sg](das) Geschäft
(der) Laden

shops [Pl](die) Geschäfte
(die) Läden

department store [Sg](das) Kaufhaus
department stores [Pl](die) Kaufhäuser
kiosk [Sg](der) Kiosk
kiosks [Pl](die) Kioske
bakery [Sg](die) Bäckerei
bakeries [Pl](die) Bäckereien
confectionery [Sg](die) Konditorei
confectioneries [Pl](die) Konditoreien
butcher’s [Sg](der) Metzger
butchers [Pl](die) Metzger
market [Sg](der) Markt
markets [Pl](die) Märkte
library [Sg](die) Bücherei
(die) Bibliothek

libraries [Pl](die) Büchereien
(die) Bibliotheken

church [Sg](die) Kirche
churches [Pl](die) Kirchen
cinema [Sg](das) Kino
cinemas [Pl](die) Kinos
theater [Sg](das) Theater
theaters [Pl](die) Theater
hotel [Sg](das) Hotel
hotels [Pl](die) Hotels
bank [Sg](die) Bank
banks [Pl](die) Banken
school [Sg](die) Schule
schools [Pl](die) Schulen
university [Sg](die) Universität
universities [Pl](die) Universitäten
kindergarten [Sg](der) Kindergarten
kindergartens [Pl](die) Kindergärten
chemist’s / drugstore [Sg](die) Apotheke
chemists / drugstores [Pl](die) Apotheken
hospital [Sg](das) Krankenhaus
hospitals [Pl](die) Krankenhäuser

Cities and Places

town / city [Sg](die) Stadt
towns / cities [Pl](die) Städte
house [Sg](das) Haus
houses [Pl](die) Häuser
building [Sg](das) Gebäude
buildings [Pl](die) Gebäude
street / road [Sg](die) Straße
streets / roads [Pl](die) Straßen
avenue [Sg](die) Allee
avenues [Pl](die) Alleen
bridge [Sg](die) Brücke
bridges [Pl](die) Brücken
center/city center [Sg](das) Zentrum
centers/city centers [Pl](die) Zentren
crossing [Sg](die) Kreuzung
crossings [Pl](die) Kreuzungen
square [Sg](der) Platz
squares [Pl](die) Plätze
park [Sg](der) Park
parks [Pl](die) Parks
landmark / sight [Sg](die) Sehenswürdigkeit
landmarks / sights [Pl](die) Sehenswürdigkeiten
monument [Sg](das) Monument
(die) Statue

monuments [Pl](die) Monumente

Traffic, Vehicles and Transportation

vehicle [Sg](das) Fahrzeug
vehicles [Pl](die) Fahrzeuge
car [Sg](das) Auto
cars [Pl](die) Autos
train [Sg](der) Zug
trains [Pl](die) Züge
bus [Sg](der) Bus
busses [Pl](die) Busse
tram [Sg](die) Straßenbahn
(die) Tram

trams [Pl](die) Straßenbahnen
(die) Trams

metro [Sg](die) U-Bahn
metros [Pl](die) U-Bahnen
bicycle [Sg](das) Fahrrad
bicycles [Pl](die) Fahrräder
motorbike [Sg](das) Motorrad
motorbikes [Pl](die) Motorräder
taxi [Sg](das) Taxi
taxis [Pl](die) Taxis
airplane [Sg](das) Flugzeug
airplanes [Pl](die) Flugzeuge
ship [Sg](das) Schiff
ships [Pl](die) Schiffe
(train) station [Sg](der) Bahnhof
(train) stations [Pl](die) Bahnhöfe
main station [Sg](der) Hauptbahnhof
main stations [Pl](die) Hauptbahnhöfe
stop [Sg](die) Haltestelle
stops [Pl](die) Haltestellen
station / stop [Sg](die) Station
stations / stops [Pl](die) Stationen
parking area [Sg](der) Parkplatz
parking areas [Pl](die) Parkplätze
petrol station [Sg](die) Tankstelle
petrol stations [Pl](die) Tankstellen
(to) go by carAuto fahren
(to) go by motorbikeMotorrad fahren
(to) go by bikeFahrrad fahren
(to) go by busBus fahren
(to) go by metroU-Bahn fahren

Vocabulary trainer: Cities & Traffic in German

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in German?

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