Now let’s learn some basic Slovak conversation. This lesson will teach you how to introduce yourself, as well as simple words and phrases like yes, no, excuse me and I don’t understand. Learn these and you’ll be ready to conduct short conversations in Slovak.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Slovak“.

Basic Slovak words & phrases: conversations

Basic conversation

please / you’re welcomeprosím
ste vítaní

you’re very welcomenemáš za čo
thank youďakujem
thank you very muchďakujem veľmi pekne
Excuse me!Espravedlnte ma!


I understand.Rozumiem.
I don’t understand.Nerozumiem.
Hello? (on the phone) / I beg your pardon?Ahoj.

What does that mean?Čo to znamená?
I don’t know.Neviem.
I don’t speak Polish.Nehovorím poľsky.
I speak a little Polish.Hovorím trochu poľsky.
Do you speak English? (informal)Hovoríš po anglicky?
Do you speak English? (formal)Hovoríš po anglicky?
Yes, I do speak English.Áno, hovorím anglicky.
No, I don’t speak English.Nie, nehovorím po anglicky.

Making acquaintances

Please talk more slowly!Prosím, hovorte pomalšie!
Nice to meet you!Teší ma!
How are you?Ako sa máš?
Good, thank you!Dobre, ďakujem!
I’m well, thanks!Som v poriadku, vďaka!
Not bad, thanks!Nie zle, ďakujem!
very badveľmi zle
What’s your name?Ako sa voláš?
My name is [...].Moje meno je [...].
What’s your first name?Aké je vaše krstné meno?
My first name is [...]Moje krstné meno je [...].
How old are you?Koľko máš rokov?
I’m [...] years old.Mám [...] rokov.
What are your hobbies?Aké sú tvoje záľuby?
What do you like doing?Čo rád robíš?
What are you doing (at the moment)?Čo práve robíš?
Where do you live?Kde bývaš?
I live in [...].Žijem v [...].
I’m from EnglandSom z anglicka
I’m EnglishSom angličan

Vocabulary trainer: Conversations in Slovak

How do you say
in Slovak?

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