Talking about your friends and relatives is much more fun than just talking about yourself. So, let’s learn some useful words & phrases that will help you talk to others about the people you love most.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Slovak“.
Previous lesson: People & Professions
Next lesson: Body & Health
Family & Relatives
English | Slovak | Pronunciation (Audio) |
friendship | priateľstvo | sk-sing_friendship |
family [Sg] | rodina | sk-sing_family | families [Pl] | rodiny | sk-plur_family |
parents | rodičia | sk-sing_parents |
father [Sg] | otec | sk-sing_father | fathers [Pl] | otcovia | sk-plur_father |
dad [Sg] | ocko | sk-sing_dad | dads [Pl] | ockovi | sk-plur_dad |
daddy [Sg] | otecko | sk-sing_daddy | daddies [Pl] | oteckovia | sk-plur_daddy |
mother [Sg] | matka | sk-sing_mother | mothers [Pl] | matky | sk-plur_mother |
mom [Sg] | mamka | sk-sing_mom | moms [Pl] | mamky | sk-plur_mom |
mommy [Sg] | mamina | sk-sing_mommy | mommies [Pl] | maminy | sk-plur_mommy |
siblings / brothers and sisters | súrodenci bratia a sestry | sk-sing_siblingsbrothers-and-sisters sk-sing_siblingsbrothers-and-sisters-2 |
brother | brat | sk-sing_brother |
sister | sestra | sk-sing_sister |
child [Sg] | dieťa | sk-sing_child | children [Pl] | deti | sk-plur_child |
son [Sg] | syn | sk-sing_son | sons [Pl] | synovia | sk-plur_son |
daughter [Sg] | dcéra | sk-sing_daughter | daughters [Pl] | dcery | sk-plur_daughter |
grandparents | prarodičia | sk-sing_grandparents |
grandfather [Sg] | dedko | sk-sing_grandfather | grandfathers [Pl] | dedkovia | sk-plur_grandfather |
grandpa [Sg] | dedko | sk-sing_grandpa | grandpas [Pl] | deduškovia | sk-plur_grandpa |
grandmother [Sg] | babička | sk-sing_grandmother | grandmothers [Pl] | babky | sk-plur_grandmother |
grandma [Sg] | babka | sk-sing_grandma | grandmas [Pl] | babičky | sk-plur_grandma |
grandchild [Sg] | vnúča | sk-sing_grandchild | grandchildren [Pl] | vnúčatá | sk-plur_grandchild |
uncle [Sg] | strýko | sk-sing_uncle | uncles [Pl] | strýkovia | sk-plur_uncle |
aunt [Sg] | teta | sk-sing_aunt | aunts [Pl] | tety | sk-plur_aunt |
cousin [Sg] | bratranec | sk-sing_cousin | cousins [Pl] | bratranci | sk-plur_cousin |
Love & Friendship
English | Slovak | Pronunciation (Audio) |
love | láska | sk-sing_love |
(to) love | milovať | sk-sing_to-love |
I love you | ľúbim ťa | sk-sing_i-love-you |
I love you very much | veľmi ťa milujem | sk-sing_i-love-you-very-much |
boyfriend | priateľ | sk-sing_boyfriend |
girlfriend | priateľka | sk-sing_girlfriend |
Do you want to marry me? | Vydáš sa za mňa? | sk-sing_do-you-want-to-marry-me |
husband [Sg] | manžel | sk-sing_husband | husbands [Pl] | manželia | sk-plur_husband |
wife [Sg] | žena | sk-sing_wife | wives [Pl] | manželky | sk-plur_wife |
married | ženatý | sk-sing_married |
married | ženatý | sk-sing_married |
friendship | priateľstvo | sk-sing_friendship |
Vocabulary trainer: Family & Friends in Slovak
How do you say
in Slovak?
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More Slovak lessons
- Numbers in Slovak
- Basic Conversation in Slovak
- Greeting & Farewell in Slovak
- Basic Slovak Verbs
- Basic Slovak Nouns
- Basic Slovak Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Slovak
- Countries & Languages in Slovak
- Date & Time in Slovak
- Holidays & Good wishes in Slovak
- Food & Drinks in Slovak
- People & Professions in Slovak
- Body & Health in Slovak
- Cities & Traffic in Slovak
- Travelling & Leisure time in Slovak
- Main page: Learn Slovak
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