Alright, now it’s time to learn some vocabulary related to date and time. This lesson will teach you how the days of the week, months, seasons and times of day are called in Arabic.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Arabic“.
Previous lesson: Basic Arabic adjectives
Next lesson: Holidays & Good wishes
Days of the week
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
Monday | الإثنين | al-ethnayn | ar-sing_monday |
Tuesday | الثلاثاء | al-tholatha' | ar-sing_tuesday |
Wednesday | الأربعاء | al-arbe'a' | ar-sing_wednesday |
Thursday | الخميس | al-khamees | ar-sing_thursday |
Friday | الجمعة | al-jom'ah | ar-sing_friday |
Saturday | السبت | al-sabt | ar-sing_saturday |
Sunday | الأحد | al-ahad | ar-sing_sunday |
Weekend | العطلة الأسبوعية | al-o'tla al esbue'yah | ar-sing_weekend |
on Monday | (في يوم) الإثنين | (fi yaum) al-ethnayn | ar-sing_on-monday |
on Tuesday | (في يوم) الثلاثاء | (fi yaum) al-tholatha' | ar-sing_on-tuesday |
on Wednesday | (في يوم) الأربعاء | (fi yaum) al-arbe'a' | ar-sing_on-wednesday |
on Thursday | (في يوم) الخميس | (fi yaum) al-khamees | ar-sing_on-thursday |
on Friday | (في يوم) الجمعة | (fi yaum) al-jom'ah | ar-sing_on-friday |
on Saturday | (في يوم) السبت | (fi yaum) al-sabt | ar-sing_on-saturday |
on Sunday | (في يوم) الأحد | (fi yaum) al-ahad | ar-sing_on-sunday |
at the weekend | في العطلة الأسبوعية | fi al-o'tla al esbue'yah | ar-sing_at-the-weekend |
on Mondays | (في) أيام الإثنين | (fi) ayam al-ethnayn | ar-sing_on-mondays |
on Tuesdays | (في) أيام الثلاثاء | (fi) ayam al-tholatha' | ar-sing_on-tuesdays |
on Wednesdays | (في) أيام الأربعاء | (fi) ayam al-arbe'a' | ar-sing_on-wednesdays |
on Thursdays | (في) أيام الخميس | (fi) ayam al-khamees | ar-sing_on-thursdays |
on Fridays | (في) أيام الجمعة | (fi) ayam al-jom'ah | ar-sing_on-fridays |
on Saturdays | (في) أيام السبت | (fi) ayam al-sabt | ar-sing_on-saturdays |
on Sundays | (في) أيام الأحد | (fi) ayam al-ahad | ar-sing_on-sundays |
at Weekends | في العطلات الأسبوعية | fi al-o'tlat al esbue'yah | ar-sing_at-weekends |
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
January | يناير | yanayer | ar-sing_january |
February | فبراير | febrayer | ar-sing_february |
March | مارس | mares | ar-sing_march |
April | أبريل | abreel | ar-sing_april |
May | مايو | mayu | ar-sing_may |
June | يونيو يونيه | yonyu yonyah | ar-sing_june ar-sing_june-2 |
July | يوليو | yolyou | ar-sing_july |
August | أغسطس | aghostos | ar-sing_august |
September | سبتمبر | septamber | ar-sing_september |
October | أكتوبر | octobar | ar-sing_october |
November | نوفمبر | novamber | ar-sing_november |
December | ديسمبر | desamber | ar-sing_december |
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
Spring | الربيع | al-rebye' | ar-sing_spring |
Summer | الصيف | al-sayf | ar-sing_summer |
Autumn / Fall | الخريف | al-khareef | ar-sing_autumnfall |
Winter | الشتاء | al-sheta' | ar-sing_winter |
Times of Day
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
morning | الصباح | al-sabah | ar-sing_morning |
forenoon | النهار | al-nahar | ar-sing_forenoon |
noon | الظهيرة | al-daheerah | ar-sing_noon |
afternoon | بعد الظهيرة الأصيل | ba'd al-daheerah al-aseel | ar-sing_afternoon ar-sing_afternoon-2 |
evening | المساء | al-masa' | ar-sing_evening |
night | الليل | al-layl | ar-sing_night |
midnight | منتصف الليل | montasaf al-layl | ar-sing_midnight |
1 Note: For the days of the week above we can use 'fi' or omit it according to the way the sentence goes, but to say 'at the weekend' we cannot omit 'fi'. If we omitted it the sentence would look weird.2 Note: For the days of the week above we can use 'fi' or omit it according to the way the sentence goes, but to say 'at weekends' we cannot omit 'fi'. If we omitted it the sentence would look weird.
Vocabulary trainer: Date & Time in Arabic
How do you say
in Arabic?
Previous lesson: Basic Arabic adjectives
Next lesson: Holidays & Good wishes
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More Arabic lessons
- Numbers in Arabic
- Basic Conversation in Arabic
- Greeting & Farewell in Arabic
- Basic Arabic Verbs
- Basic Arabic Nouns
- Basic Arabic Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Arabic
- Countries & Languages in Arabic
- Holidays & Good wishes in Arabic
- Food & Drinks in Arabic
- People & Professions in Arabic
- Family & Friends in Arabic
- Body & Health in Arabic
- Cities & Traffic in Arabic
- Travelling & Leisure time in Arabic
- Arabic videos
- Main page: Learn Arabic
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