We’ll now learn talking about parts of the human body as well as some useful Arabic words and phrases related to Health and Illnesses. Let’s hope you’ll never need them, but better be prepared than sorry as they say…
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Arabic“.
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The Body
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
body [Sg] | جسد | jasad | ar-sing_body | bodies [Pl] | أجساد | ajsad | ar-plur_body |
head [Sg] | رأس | ra's | ar-sing_head | heads [Pl] | رءوس | ro'ous | ar-plur_head |
face [Sg] | وجه | wajh | ar-sing_face | faces [Pl] | وجوه | wojoh | ar-plur_face |
eye [Sg] | عين | a'en | ar-sing_eye | eyes [Pl] | عيون | o'uyoun | ar-plur_eye |
ear [Sg] | أذن | odzon | ar-sing_ear | ears [Pl] | آذان | adaan | ar-plur_ear |
nose [Sg] | أنف | anf | ar-sing_nose | noses [Pl] | أنوف | o'unouf | ar-plur_nose |
mouth [Sg] | فم فاه | fam fah | ar-sing_mouth ar-sing_mouth-2 | mouths [Pl] | أفمام أفواه | afmam afwah | ar-plur_mouth ar-plur_mouth-2 |
tongue [Sg] | لسان | lesan | ar-sing_tongue | tongues [Pl] | ألسنة | alsenah | ar-plur_tongue |
neck [Sg] | رقبة | raqabah | ar-sing_neck | necks [Pl] | رقاب | reqab | ar-plur_neck |
chest [Sg] | صدر | sadr | ar-sing_chest | chests [Pl] | صدور | sodour | ar-plur_chest |
back / shoulder | ظهر كتف | dahr katef | ar-sing_backshoulder ar-sing_backshoulder-2 |
stomach [Sg] | معدة بطن | ma'eda batn | ar-sing_stomach ar-sing_stomach-2 | stomachs [Pl] | بطون | botoun | ar-plur_stomach |
heart [Sg] | قلب | qalb | ar-sing_heart | hearts [Pl] | قلوب | qoloub | ar-plur_heart |
arm [Sg] | ذراع | dera' | ar-sing_arm | arms [Pl] | أذرع | adro' | ar-plur_arm |
elbow [Sg] | كوع | ku' | ar-sing_elbow | elbows [Pl] | أكواع كيعان | akwaa' kia'an | ar-plur_elbow ar-plur_elbow-2 |
hand [Sg] | يد | yad | ar-sing_hand | hands [Pl] | أيدي يدين | aydy yadayen | ar-plur_hand ar-plur_hand-2 |
right hand | اليد اليمنى | al yad al yomna | ar-sing_right-hand |
left hand | اليد اليسرى | al yad al yosra | ar-sing_left-hand |
finger [Sg] | إصبع | esba' | ar-sing_finger | fingers [Pl] | أصابع | asabe' | ar-plur_finger |
leg [Sg] | ساق | saq | ar-sing_leg | legs [Pl] | سيقان ساقين | siqan saqayen | ar-plur_leg ar-plur_leg-2 |
foot [Sg] | قدم | qadam | ar-sing_foot | feet [Pl] | أقدام قدمين | aqdam qadamayen | ar-plur_foot ar-plur_foot-2 |
skin | جلد | jeld | ar-sing_skin |
hair | شعر | sha'r | ar-sing_hair |
tooth [Sg] | سن | sen | ar-sing_tooth | teeth [Pl] | أسنان | asnan | ar-plur_tooth |
blood | دم دماء | dam dema' | ar-sing_blood ar-sing_blood-2 |
Health & Illnesses
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
healthy | صحي | sihy | ar-sing_healthy |
ill / sick | مريض عليل | mareed a'leel | ar-sing_illsick ar-sing_illsick-2 |
ache [Sg] | ألم | alam | ar-sing_ache | aches [Pl] | آلام | aalaam | ar-plur_ache |
My [...] aches. / My [...] hurts. | يؤلمني[...] تؤلمني [...] | yo'lemany to'lemany […] | ar-sing_my--achesmy--hurts ar-sing_my--achesmy--hurts-2 |
My [...] ache. / My [...] hurt. | يؤلمني[...] تؤلمني [...] | yo'lemany to'lemany […] | ar-sing_my--achemy--hurt ar-sing_my--achemy--hurt-2 |
I have a stomach ache. | تؤلمني معدتي | to'lemany ma'edaty | ar-sing_i-have-a-stomach-ache |
My legs hurt. | تؤلمني ساقاي | to'lemany saqay | ar-sing_my-legs-hurt |
doctor | طبيب, طبيبة | tabeeb, tabeebah | ar-sing_doctorar-sing_doctor-2 |
medical office / doctor’s surgery | عيادة طبية عيادة الطبيب | eyadah tebbeyah eyadat al-tabeeb | ar-sing_medical-officedoctors-surgery ar-sing_medical-officedoctors-surgery-2 |
chemist’s / drugstore | صيدلية أجزخانة | saydaleyah ajzakhanah | ar-sing_chemistsdrugstore ar-sing_chemistsdrugstore-2 |
hospital | مشفى مستشفى | mashfa mostashfa | ar-sing_hospital ar-sing_hospital-2 |
illness / malady | مرض علة داء | marad e'lla da' | ar-sing_illnessmalady ar-sing_illnessmalady-2 ar-sing_illnessmalady-3 |
1 Used if the word coming next is masculine.#Used if the word coming next is feminine.2 Used if the word coming next is masculine.#Used if the word coming next is feminine.3 The plural usage here is different due to grammar rules for adding 'my' in Arabic.
Vocabulary trainer: Body & Health in Arabic
How do you say
in Arabic?
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- Numbers in Arabic
- Basic Conversation in Arabic
- Greeting & Farewell in Arabic
- Basic Arabic Verbs
- Basic Arabic Nouns
- Basic Arabic Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Arabic
- Countries & Languages in Arabic
- Date & Time in Arabic
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