Food and drinks are a recurring talking point, not only while eating out on vacation. So let’s learn the most common words and phrases related to this topic.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Arabic“.
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Basic Food & Spices
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
bread [Sg] | خبز | khobz | ar-sing_bread | breads [Pl] | خبز | khobz | ar-plur_bread |
roll [Sg] | ملفوف | malfoof | ar-sing_roll | rolls [Pl] | قطع الملفوف | qeta' al-malfoof | ar-plur_roll |
butter | زبد | zobd | ar-sing_butter |
cheese | جبن | jobn | ar-sing_cheese |
honey | عسل شهد | a'sal shahd | ar-sing_honey ar-sing_honey-2 |
jam [Sg] | مربى | moraba | ar-sing_jam | jams [Pl] | مربى | moraba | ar-plur_jam |
egg [Sg] | بيضة | baydah | ar-sing_egg | eggs [Pl] | بيض | bayd | ar-plur_egg |
noodles | نودلز معكرونة | noodles ma'karounah | ar-sing_noodles ar-sing_noodles-2 |
rice | أرز | orz | ar-sing_rice |
yoghurt [Sg] | زبادي لبن رائب | zabady laban ra'eb | ar-sing_yoghurt ar-sing_yoghurt-2 | yoghurts [Pl] | زبادي لبن رائب | zabady laban ra'eb | ar-plur_yoghurt ar-plur_yoghurt-2 |
sugar | سكر | sokkar | ar-sing_sugar |
salt | ملح | malh | ar-sing_salt |
pepper | فلفل | felfel | ar-sing_pepper |
spice [Sg] | بهار | buhar | ar-sing_spice | spices [Pl] | بهارات | buharat | ar-plur_spice |
oil | زيت | zayt | ar-sing_oil |
Basic Words & Phrases
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
(to) eat | أكل | akal | ar-sing_to-eat |
food | طعام أطعمة | ta'am ate'mah | ar-sing_food ar-sing_food-2 |
(to) drink | شَرَبَ | sharab | ar-sing_to-drink |
drink [Sg] | مشروب | mashroub | ar-sing_drink | drinks [Pl] | مشروبات | mashroubat | ar-plur_drink |
hungry | جائع | ja'ye' | ar-sing_hungry |
hunger | جوع | jue' | ar-sing_hunger |
thirsty | ظمآن | zama'an | ar-sing_thirsty |
thirst | ظمأ | zama' | ar-sing_thirst |
(to) cook | طَها | taha | ar-sing_to-cook |
(to) taste | تذوق | tadzawaq | ar-sing_to-taste |
tasty | لذيذ | ladzeedz | ar-sing_tasty |
delicious | شهي | shahy | ar-sing_delicious |
Bon appetit! / Enjoy your meal! | بالهناء والشفاء! تمنياتي بوجبة شهية! | bel hana' wal shefa'! tamanyaty bewajba shaheyah! | ar-sing_bon-appetitenjoy-your-meal ar-sing_bon-appetitenjoy-your-meal-2 |
Cheers! / To your health! | في صحتك! | fi sehetak! | ar-sing_cheersto-your-health |
breakfast | وجبة الإفطار | wajbat al eftar | ar-sing_breakfast |
lunch | وجبة الغذاء | wajbat al ghadza' | ar-sing_lunch |
dinner | وجبة العشاء | wajbat al a'asha' | ar-sing_dinner |
restaurant [Sg] | مطعم | mata'm | ar-sing_restaurant | restaurants [Pl] | مطاعم | mata'em | ar-plur_restaurant |
bar [Sg] | حانة | haanah | ar-sing_bar | bars [Pl] | حانات | hanat | ar-plur_bar |
café | مقهى | maqha | ar-sing_cafe |
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
soup [Sg] | حساء | hesa' | ar-sing_soup | soups [Pl] | حساء | hesa' | ar-plur_soup |
salad [Sg] | سلطة | salatah | ar-sing_salad | salads [Pl] | سلطات | salatat | ar-plur_salad |
french fries / chips | بطاطس مقلية رقائق البطاطس | batates maqleyah raqaeq al-batates | ar-sing_french-frieschips ar-sing_french-frieschips-2 |
Dishes & Cutlery
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
cutlery | أدوات المائدة | adawat al ma'eda | ar-sing_cutlery |
fork | شوكة | shaukah | ar-sing_fork |
spoon | ملعقة | mela'qah | ar-sing_spoon |
knife | سكين | sekeen | ar-sing_knife |
plate | طبق | tabaq | ar-sing_plate |
glass | كأس | ka's | ar-sing_glass |
cup | كوب | koub | ar-sing_cup |
mug | كوب | koub | ar-sing_mug |
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
water | ماء مياه | ma' meyah | ar-sing_water ar-sing_water-2 |
mineral water | مياه معدنية | meyah ma'daneyah | ar-sing_mineral-water |
soda water / sparkling water | ماء الصودا مياه غازية | ma' el-souda meyah ghazeyah | ar-sing_soda-watersparkling-water ar-sing_soda-watersparkling-water-2 |
still water | مياه راكدة ماء راكد | meyah rakedah ma' raked | ar-sing_still-water ar-sing_still-water-2 |
juice [Sg] | عصير | aseer | ar-sing_juice | juices [Pl] | عصائر | a'asae'r | ar-plur_juice |
beer | جعة بيرة | jeah beerah | ar-sing_beer ar-sing_beer-2 |
wine | نبيذ | nabeedz | ar-sing_wine |
champagne | شامبانيا | shampanya | ar-sing_champagne |
cocktail | كوكتيل | cocktail | ar-sing_cocktail |
milk | حليب لبن | haleeb laban | ar-sing_milk ar-sing_milk-2 |
cocoa | كاكاو | kakaw | ar-sing_cocoa |
coffee | قهوة | qahwah | ar-sing_coffee |
tea | شاي | shay | ar-sing_tea |
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
sweet | حلو | holu | ar-sing_sweet |
sour | لاذع | laze' | ar-sing_sour |
spicy | حار | har | ar-sing_spicy |
salty | مالح | maleh | ar-sing_salty |
bitter | مُر | mur | ar-sing_bitter |
Fruit & Vegetables
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
fruit | فاكهة | fakehah | ar-sing_fruit |
vegetables | خضروات | khodrawat | ar-sing_vegetables |
apple [Sg] | تفاحة | tofahah | ar-sing_apple | apples [Pl] | تفاح | tofah | ar-plur_apple |
orange [Sg] | برتقالة | bortoqalah | ar-sing_orange | oranges [Pl] | برتقال | bortoqal | ar-plur_orange |
strawberry [Sg] | ثمرة فراولة | thamarat farawlah | ar-sing_strawberry | strawberries [Pl] | فراولة | farawlah | ar-plur_strawberry |
banana [Sg] | موزة | mawzah | ar-sing_banana | bananas [Pl] | موز | mawz | ar-plur_banana |
potato [Sg] | ثمرة بطاطا ثمرة بطاطس | thamarat batata thamarat batates | ar-sing_potato ar-sing_potato-2 | potatoes [Pl] | بطاطا بطاطس | batata batates | ar-plur_potato ar-plur_potato-2 |
cucumber [Sg] | ثمرة خيار | thamarat kheyar | ar-sing_cucumber | cucumbers [Pl] | خيار | kheyar | ar-plur_cucumber |
Meat & Sausages
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
meat | لحم | lahm | ar-sing_meat |
sausage [Sg] | قطعة سجق | qeta't sojoq | ar-sing_sausage | sausages [Pl] | سجق | sojoq | ar-plur_sausage |
small sausage [Sg] | قطعة نقانق | qeta't naqaneq | ar-sing_small-sausage | small sausages [Pl] | نقانق | naqaneq | ar-plur_small-sausage |
ham | لحم خنزير | lahm khanzeer | ar-sing_ham |
chicken | دجاج | dajaj | ar-sing_chicken |
fish | سمك أسماك | samak asmak | ar-sing_fish ar-sing_fish-2 |
beef | لحم بقري | lahm baqary | ar-sing_beef |
lamb | ضأن لحم خراف | da'n lahm kheraf | ar-sing_lamb ar-sing_lamb-2 |
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
chocolate | شوكولاتة | shokulatah | ar-sing_chocolate |
pie [Sg] | فطيرة | fateerah | ar-sing_pie | pies [Pl] | فطائر | fatae'r | ar-plur_pie |
cake [Sg] | كعكة | ka'kah | ar-sing_cake | cakes [Pl] | كعك | ka'ek | ar-plur_cake |
biscuit [Sg] | قطعة بسكويت | qet'at baskaweet | ar-sing_biscuit | biscuits [Pl] | بسكويت | baskaweet | ar-plur_biscuit |
icecream | آيس كريم بوظة | ice cream buza | ar-sing_icecream ar-sing_icecream-2 |
Vocabulary trainer: Food & Drinks in Arabic
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in Arabic?
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