Adjectives describe people or things. You’ll need them whenever you want to describe what something or somebody is like. The car is old, the hotel is cheap. You get it. Memorize the Arabic adjectives below and you’ll be well equipped for most basic conversations.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Arabic“.
Previous lesson: Basic Arabic nouns
Next lesson: Date & time
The Most Used Adjectives in Spoken Arabic
Created by CGE Jordan Institute for Arabic Studies
Important adjectives
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
good | جيد | jayid | ar-sing_good |
bad | سيئ | saye' | ar-sing_bad |
new | جديد | jadid | ar-sing_new |
old | قديم | qadim | ar-sing_old |
small | صغير | saghir | ar-sing_small |
large / big | واسع كبير | wasi' kabir | ar-sing_largebig ar-sing_largebig-2 |
long | طويل | tawil | ar-sing_long |
short | قصير | qasir | ar-sing_short |
cheap | رخيص | rakheis | ar-sing_cheap |
expensive | غالي السعر باهظ الثمن | ghali assi'r bahiz atthaman | ar-sing_expensive ar-sing_expensive-2 |
light / clear | ضوء واضح | daw' wadih | ar-sing_lightclear ar-sing_lightclear-2 |
dark | ظلام | zalam | ar-sing_dark |
late | متأخر | mota'akhir | ar-sing_late |
early | مبكر | mobakir | ar-sing_early |
interesting | ممتع شيق | momti' shayeq | ar-sing_interesting ar-sing_interesting-2 |
boring | ممل | momel | ar-sing_boring |
tired | متعب | mot'ab | ar-sing_tired |
easy / simple | سهل بسيط | sahl basit | ar-sing_easysimple ar-sing_easysimple-2 |
for free | مجانا | majanan | ar-sing_for-free |
right / correct | صحيح مضبوط | sahih madbot | ar-sing_rightcorrect ar-sing_rightcorrect-2 |
wrong | خاطيء | khatie' | ar-sing_wrong |
strong | قوي | qawi | ar-sing_strong |
weak | ضعيف | da'if | ar-sing_weak |
1 #When talking about size we can say مقاس لارج, maqas (large). When talking about 'a big scale' we can say واسع, wasi'. When we use the word large as huge, we say ضخم, dakhm.2 #As in 'day light' or 'the light in the room' etc. If we're talking about weight it would be خفيف, khafif.3 When talking about an adjective as in 'He's always late'. The corresponding adverb as in 'I woke up late' would be متأخرًا, mota'akhiran.4 When talking about an adjective as in 'He's always early'. The corresponding adverb as in 'I woke up early' would be مبكرًا, mobakiran.
Vocabulary trainer: Basic Adjectives in Arabic
How do you say
in Arabic?
Special videos
Adjectives & opposites in Arabic
Created by Learn Arabic with Laura
Arabic Beginner Lessons – The Adjective
Created by Learn Arabic with Maha
Previous lesson: Basic Arabic nouns
Next lesson: Date & time
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More Arabic lessons
- Numbers in Arabic
- Basic Conversation in Arabic
- Greeting & Farewell in Arabic
- Basic Arabic Verbs
- Basic Arabic Nouns
- Colors & Appearance in Arabic
- Countries & Languages in Arabic
- Date & Time in Arabic
- Holidays & Good wishes in Arabic
- Food & Drinks in Arabic
- People & Professions in Arabic
- Family & Friends in Arabic
- Body & Health in Arabic
- Cities & Traffic in Arabic
- Travelling & Leisure time in Arabic
- Arabic videos
- Main page: Learn Arabic
Why is the font on your site for Arabic words so small? Why can’t it be as large as the English font? Very difficult to read the letters and the diacritics.
Hi Suzan,
I agree the Arabic text appears to be smaller than the rest, although in fact it’s exactly the same size. Anyway, I’ve increased the overall font size and additionally made the Arabic text a bit larger than everything else. Hope it helps. In case you’d prefer the text to be even larger you can also use your browser’s zoom function (usually Ctrl +) to increase font size even further.
Kind regards,