Let’s talk about people, jobs and professions. These words and phrases will help you when talking about yourself and others, or when you’re planning to apply for a new job abroad.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Arabic“.
Previous lesson: Food & Drinks
Next lesson: Family & Friends
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
human (being) / person | إنسان شخص | ensan shakhs | ar-sing_human-beingperson ar-sing_human-beingperson-2 |
people / humans | أشخاص ناس بشر | ashkhas nas bashar | ar-sing_peoplehumans ar-sing_peoplehumans-2 ar-sing_peoplehumans-3 |
woman | امرأة | emra'h | ar-sing_woman |
man | رجل | rajol | ar-sing_man |
child | طفل | tefl | ar-sing_child |
girl | فتاة بنت | fatah bent | ar-sing_girl ar-sing_girl-2 |
boy | غلام ولد | gholam walad | ar-sing_boy ar-sing_boy-2 |
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
profession | مهنة | mehnah | ar-sing_profession |
employee / worker | عامل, عاملة | a'amel, a'amelah | ar-sing_employeeworkerar-sing_employeeworker-2 |
clerk / official | موظف, موظفة | mowazaf, mowazafah | ar-sing_clerkofficialar-sing_clerkofficial-2 |
colleague | زميل, زميلة | zameel, zameelah | ar-sing_colleaguear-sing_colleague-2 |
pensioner / retiree | متقاعد عن العمل, متقاعدة عن العمل | motaqae'd a'n el-a'mal, motaqae'dah a'n el-a'mal | ar-sing_pensionerretireear-sing_pensionerretiree-2 |
unemployed person / jobseeker | عاطل, عاطلة باحث عن العمل, باحثة عن العمل | a'tel, a'telah baheth a'n a'mal, bahethah a'n a'mal | ar-sing_unemployed-personjobseekerar-sing_unemployed-personjobseeker-2 ar-sing_unemployed-personjobseeker-3ar-sing_unemployed-personjobseeker-4 |
doctor | طبيب, طبيبة | tabeeb, tabeebah | ar-sing_doctorar-sing_doctor-2 |
journalist | صحفي, صحفية | sahafy, sahafeyah | ar-sing_journalistar-sing_journalist-2 |
engineer | مهندس, مهندسة | mohandes, mohandesah | ar-sing_engineerar-sing_engineer-2 |
boss | رئيس العمل, رئيسة العمل | raees al-a'mal, raeesat al-a'mal | ar-sing_bossar-sing_boss-2 |
director | مدير, مديرة | modeer, modeerah | ar-sing_directorar-sing_director-2 |
manager | مدير, مديرة | modeer, modeerah | ar-sing_managerar-sing_manager-2 |
secretary | سكرتير, سكرتيرة | secerteer, secerteerah | ar-sing_secretaryar-sing_secretary-2 |
driver | سائق, سائقة | sae'q, sae'qah | ar-sing_driverar-sing_driver-2 |
farmer | مزارع, مزارعة فلاح, فلاحة | mozare', mozare'ah falah, falahah | ar-sing_farmerar-sing_farmer-2 ar-sing_farmer-3ar-sing_farmer-4 |
baker | خباز, خبازة | khabbaz, khabbazah | ar-sing_bakerar-sing_baker-2 |
salesman, saleswoman | موظف مبيعات, موظفة مبيعات | mowazaf mabe'at, mozafat mabe'at | ar-sing_salesman-saleswomanar-sing_salesman-saleswoman-2 |
nurse | ممرض, ممرضة | momared, momaredah | ar-sing_nursear-sing_nurse-2 |
policeman, policewoman | شرطي, شرطية | shorty, shorteyah | ar-sing_policeman-policewomanar-sing_policeman-policewoman-2 |
cook / chef | طاه, طاهية | tahi, taheyah | ar-sing_cookchefar-sing_cookchef-2 |
teacher, female teacher | معلم, معلمة | moa'lem, moa'lemah | ar-sing_teacher-female-teacherar-sing_teacher-female-teacher-2 |
shoemaker [Sg] | إسكافي صانع الأحذية | eskafy sane' ahdeyah | ar-sing_shoemaker ar-sing_shoemaker-2 | shoemakers [Pl] | صانعي الأحذية | sane'y al-ahdeyah | ar-plur_shoemaker |
watchmaker [Sg] | ساعاتي صانع الساعات | sa'aty sane' sa'at | ar-sing_watchmaker ar-sing_watchmaker-2 | watchmakers [Pl] | صانعي الساعات | sane'y al-sa'at | ar-plur_watchmaker |
Work & Application
English | Arabic | Arabic (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
(to) work | عَمَل | a'mal | ar-sing_to-work |
work / job | عمل وظيفة | a'mal wazefah | ar-sing_workjob ar-sing_workjob-2 |
workplace | مكان العمل | makan al-a'mal | ar-sing_workplace |
employment / occupation | تعيين توظيف | tae'en tawzeef | ar-sing_employmentoccupation ar-sing_employmentoccupation-2 |
office | مكتب | maktab | ar-sing_office |
factory | مصنع | masna' | ar-sing_factory |
construction site | موقع بناء | mawqe' bena' | ar-sing_construction-site |
salary | راتب | rateb | ar-sing_salary |
(to) earn | كَسَبَ رَبَحَ | kasab rabah | ar-sing_to-earn ar-sing_to-earn-2 |
(to) look for a job | بَحَثَ عن عمل | bahath a'n a'mal | ar-sing_to-look-for-a-job |
(to) find a job | وَجَدَ عملاً | wagad a'malan | ar-sing_to-find-a-job |
job interview | مقابلة التقدم للعمل | moqabalat al taqadom lel a'mal | ar-sing_job-interview |
CV | سيرة ذاتية | serah dzateyah | ar-sing_cv |
education | تعليم | ta'leem | ar-sing_education |
experience | خبرة | khebrah | ar-sing_experience |
1 ##All three are synonyms. Arabic doesn't differentiate much between 'people' and 'humans' when talking about a general topic. The only case it does is when talking about humanity or biology, and if that is the case بشر is used to express human behavior that is different or opposite to 'animal', حيوان.2 $Employee, clerk, and official share the same translation of موظف.
Vocabulary trainer: People & Professions in Arabic
How do you say
people / humans
in Arabic?
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Next lesson: Family & Friends
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- Basic Conversation in Arabic
- Greeting & Farewell in Arabic
- Basic Arabic Verbs
- Basic Arabic Nouns
- Basic Arabic Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Arabic
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- Date & Time in Arabic
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