Numbers are a great place to begin your journey into the Hindi language. Start by learning the numbers from 1 to 10, then 11 to 20, 21 to 100 and so on. Pay attention to the recurring patterns that will help you form any number above one hundred easily!
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Numbers from 0 to 10
English | Hindi | Hindi (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) | |
0 | zero | शून्य | shuny | hi-sing_zero |
1 | one | एक | ek | hi-sing_one |
2 | two | दो | do | hi-sing_two |
3 | three | तीन | teen | hi-sing_three |
4 | four | चार | char | hi-sing_four |
5 | five | पाँच | paanch | hi-sing_five |
6 | six | छ | chha | hi-sing_six |
7 | seven | सात | saat | hi-sing_seven |
8 | eight | आठ | aath | hi-sing_eight |
9 | nine | नौ | nou | hi-sing_nine |
10 | ten | दस | dus | hi-sing_ten |
Numbers from 11 to 100
English | Hindi | Hindi (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) | |
11 | eleven | ग्यारह | gyarah | hi-sing_eleven |
12 | twelve | बारह | barah | hi-sing_twelve |
13 | thirteen | तेरह | terah | hi-sing_thirteen |
14 | fourteen | चौदह | choudah | hi-sing_fourteen |
15 | fifteen | पंद्रह | pandrah | hi-sing_fifteen |
16 | sixteen | सोलह | solah | hi-sing_sixteen |
17 | seventeen | सत्रह | satrah | hi-sing_seventeen |
18 | eighteen | अठारह | atharah | hi-sing_eighteen |
19 | nineteen | उन्नीश | unneesh | hi-sing_nineteen |
20 | twenty | बीस | bees | hi-sing_twenty |
21 | twenty-one | इक्किश | ikkish | hi-sing_twenty-one |
30 | thirty | तीस | tees | hi-sing_thirty |
40 | fourty | चालिश | chaalish | hi-sing_fourty |
50 | fifty | पचास | pachas | hi-sing_fifty |
60 | sixty | साठ | sath | hi-sing_sixty |
70 | seventy | सतर | satar | hi-sing_seventy |
80 | eighty | अस्सी | assi | hi-sing_eighty |
90 | ninety | नब्बे | nabbe | hi-sing_ninety |
100 | one hundred | एक सौ | ek sou | hi-sing_one-hundred |
Numbers from 101 to 1,000,000
English | Hindi | Hindi (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) | |
101 | one hundred and one | एक सौ एक | ek sou ek | hi-sing_one-hundred-and-one |
200 | two hundred | दो सौ | do sou | hi-sing_two-hundred |
300 | three hundred | तीन सौ | teen sou | hi-sing_three-hundred |
400 | four hundred | चार सौ | char sou | hi-sing_four-hundred |
500 | five hundred | पाँच सौ | paanch sou | hi-sing_five-hundred |
600 | six hundred | छ सौ | chha sou | hi-sing_six-hundred |
700 | seven hundred | सात सौ | saat sou | hi-sing_seven-hundred |
800 | eight hundred | आठ सौ | aath sou | hi-sing_eight-hundred |
900 | nine hundred | नौ सौ | nou sou | hi-sing_nine-hundred |
1000 | one thousand | एक हज़ार | ek hazar | hi-sing_one-thousand |
2000 | two thousand | दो हज़ार | do hazar | hi-sing_two-thousand |
3000 | three thousand | तीन हज़ार | teen hazar | hi-sing_three-thousand |
5000 | five thousand | पाँच हज़ार | paanch hazar | hi-sing_five-thousand |
100000 | one hundred thousand | एक सौ हज़ार | ek sou hazar | hi-sing_one-hundred-thousand |
1000000 | one million | एक मिलयन | ek milyan | hi-sing_one-million |
Vocabulary trainer: Numbers in Hindi
How do you say
in Hindi?
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Special How to Write & Speak Hindi Numbers (0-9)
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More Hindi lessons
- Basic Conversation in Hindi
- Greeting & Farewell in Hindi
- Basic Hindi Verbs
- Basic Hindi Nouns
- Basic Hindi Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Hindi
- Countries & Languages in Hindi
- Date & Time in Hindi
- Holidays & Good wishes in Hindi
- Food & Drinks in Hindi
- People & Professions in Hindi
- Family & Friends in Hindi
- Body & Health in Hindi
- Cities & Traffic in Hindi
- Travelling & Leisure time in Hindi
- Hindi videos
- Overview: Learn Hindi
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