This lesson will teach you to describe the colors and appearance of people and things in Hindi. Learn to express whether something is big or small, red or green, beautiful of ugly.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Hindi“.
Previous lesson: Basic Conversation in Hindi
Next lesson: Countries & Languages in Hindi
English | Hindi | Hindi (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) | |
light / clear | प्रकाश साफ | prakash saaf | hi-sing_lightclear hi-sing_lightclear-2 | |
dark | अंधेरा | andhera | hi-sing_dark | |
color | रंग | rang | hi-sing_color | |
colored | रंगा हुआ | ranga hua | hi-sing_colored | |
white | सफेद | safeid | hi-sing_white | |
black | काला | kala | hi-sing_black | |
yellow | पीला | peela | hi-sing_yellow | |
orange | नारंगी | narangi | hi-sing_orange | |
red | लाल | lal | hi-sing_red | |
pink | गुलाबी | gulabi | hi-sing_pink | |
violet | बैगनी | beigni | hi-sing_violet | |
blue | नीला | neela | hi-sing_blue | |
green | हरा | hra | hi-sing_green | |
brown | भूरा | bhura | hi-sing_brown | |
grey | सलेटी | saleti | hi-sing_grey |
Appearance & attributes
English | Hindi | Hindi (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) | |
new | नया | naya | hi-sing_new | |
old | पुराना | purana | hi-sing_old | |
small | कम छोटा | kam chota | hi-sing_small hi-sing_small-2 | |
large / big | बड़ा | bada | hi-sing_largebig | |
young | जवान | jawan | hi-sing_young | |
kind / pleasant | दयालु अच्छा | dayalu achha | hi-sing_kindpleasant hi-sing_kindpleasant-2 | |
unkind / unpleasant | निर्दयी अप्रिय | nirdayi apriya | hi-sing_unkindunpleasant hi-sing_unkindunpleasant-2 | |
patient | धेर्य | dherya | hi-sing_patient | |
tall | लम्बा | lamba | hi-sing_tall | |
middle sized | मझला | mazhala | hi-sing_middle-sized | |
small | छोटा | chota | hi-sing_small | |
fat | मोटा | mota | hi-sing_fat | |
thin / slim | पतला | patla | hi-sing_thinslim | |
nice / pretty | अच्छा सुंदर | achha sundar | hi-sing_nicepretty hi-sing_nicepretty-2 | |
beautiful | सुंदर | sundar | hi-sing_beautiful | |
ugly | गंदा | ganda | hi-sing_ugly | |
ill / sick | बीमार | bimaar | hi-sing_illsick | |
healthy | हुस्ठ-पुस्ठ | husth-pusth | hi-sing_healthy | |
happy / cheerful | खुश हंसमुख | hansmukh | hi-sing_happycheerful hi-sing_happycheerful-2 | |
sad | दुखी | dukhi | hi-sing_sad | |
sporty | मनचला | manchala | hi-sing_sporty | |
ambitioned | महत्वाकांशा | mahatvkansha | hi-sing_ambitioned | |
intelligent | बुद्धिमान | budhimaan | hi-sing_intelligent | |
creative | रचनात्मक | rachnatmak | hi-sing_creative | |
active | सक्रिय चुस्त | sakriya chust | hi-sing_active hi-sing_active-2 | |
sentimental | भावुक | bhavuk | hi-sing_sentimental | |
rational | तर्कसंगत | tarksangat | hi-sing_rational | |
emotional | भावुक | bhavuk | hi-sing_emotional | |
natural | प्राकर्तिक | praakrtik | hi-sing_natural | |
romantic | रोमानी | romani | hi-sing_romantic | |
nice / amiable | अच्छा सौहार्दपूर्ण | achha sauhardapurna | hi-sing_niceamiable hi-sing_niceamiable-2 | |
spontaneous | स्वाभाविक | swabhawik | hi-sing_spontaneous | |
energetic | ऊर्जावान | urjawan | hi-sing_energetic | |
stressed (out) | तनाव मे | tanav me | hi-sing_stressed-out | |
relaxed | आराम | aaram | hi-sing_relaxed | |
frustrated | निराश | nirash | hi-sing_frustrated | |
talented | होनहार | honhar | hi-sing_talented |
Questions & phrases
English | Hindi | Hindi (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) | |
What does he look like? | वह कैसा दिखता हैं? | Wah keisa dikhta hain? | hi-sing_what-does-he-look-like | |
What does she look like? | वह कैसी दिखती हैं? | wah keisi dikhti hain? | hi-sing_what-does-she-look-like | |
What is he like? | वह कैसा हैं? | Wah keisa hain? | hi-sing_what-is-he-like | |
What is she like? | वह कैसी हैं? | Wah keisi hain? | hi-sing_what-is-she-like |
Vocabulary trainer: Colors & Appearance in Hindi
How do you say
in Hindi?
Correct answers: 0Wrong answers: 0
Previous lesson: Basic Conversation in Hindi
Next lesson: Countries & Languages in Hindi
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More Hindi lessons
- Numbers in Hindi
- Basic Conversation in Hindi
- Greeting & Farewell in Hindi
- Basic Hindi Verbs
- Basic Hindi Nouns
- Basic Hindi Adjectives
- Countries & Languages in Hindi
- Date & Time in Hindi
- Holidays & Good wishes in Hindi
- Food & Drinks in Hindi
- People & Professions in Hindi
- Family & Friends in Hindi
- Body & Health in Hindi
- Cities & Traffic in Hindi
- Travelling & Leisure time in Hindi
- Hindi videos
- Overview: Learn Hindi
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