This vocabulary lesson will teach you the Vietnamese words for buildings, monuments, streets and vehicles, as well as talking about different modes of public transportation.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Vietnamese“.

Cities & Traffic in Vietnamese

Previous lesson:

Shops, Buildings and Institutions

shopcửa hàngvi-sing_shop
department storecửa hàng bách hóavi-sing_department-store
bakerylò bánh mỳvi-sing_bakery
confectionerytiệm bánh kẹovi-sing_confectionery
butcher’scửa hàng thịtvi-sing_butchers
marketsiêu thịvi-sing_market
librarythư việnvi-sing_library
churchnhà thờvi-sing_church
cinemarạp chiếu phimvi-sing_cinema
theaternhà kịchvi-sing_theater
hotelkhách sạnvi-sing_hotel
bankngân hàngvi-sing_bank
schooltrường họcvi-sing_school
universitytrường đại họcvi-sing_university
chemist’s / drugstoredược sĩ
hiệu thuốc
hospitalbệnh việnvi-sing_hospital

Cities and Places

town / citythị trấn
thành phố
buildingtòa nhàvi-sing_building
street / roadđường
con đường
avenueđại lộvi-sing_avenue
center/city centertrung tâmvi-sing_centercity-center
crossingđường cắtvi-sing_crossing
squarengã giaovi-sing_square
parkcông viênvi-sing_park
landmark / sightcột mốc
biển chỉ đường
monumentcông trình kỷ niệmvi-sing_monument

Traffic, Vehicles and Transportation

vehiclexe cộvi-sing_vehicle
carxe hơivi-sing_car
traintàu lửavi-sing_train
busxe busvi-sing_bus
tramxe điệnvi-sing_tram
metroxe điện ngầmvi-sing_metro
bicyclexe đạpvi-sing_bicycle
motorbikexe máyvi-sing_motorbike
taxixe taxivi-sing_taxi
airplanemáy bayvi-sing_airplane
shiptàu bèvi-sing_ship
(train) stationtrạm xe lửavi-sing_train-station
main stationtrạm chínhvi-sing_main-station
stopđiểm dừngvi-sing_stop
station / stoptrạm dừngvi-sing_stationstop
parking areabãi đỗ xevi-sing_parking-area
petrol stationtrạm tiếp xăngvi-sing_petrol-station
(to) go by carđi bằng xe hơivi-sing_to-go-by-car
(to) go by motorbikeđi bằng xe đạpvi-sing_to-go-by-motorbike
(to) go by bikeđi bằng xevi-sing_to-go-by-bike
(to) go by busđi bằng xe busvi-sing_to-go-by-bus
(to) go by metrođi bằng tàu điện ngầmvi-sing_to-go-by-metro

Vocabulary trainer: Cities & Traffic in Vietnamese

How do you say
in Vietnamese?

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