Verbs describe movement or action. You’ll need them whenever you want to talk about what you, somebody or something else does, did or wants to do. Essential stuff. Memorize the verbs below and you’ll be well equipped for most basic Farsi conversations.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Persian (Farsi)“.

Basic Words & Phrases: Verbs

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Important verbs

EnglishPersian (Farsi)Persian (Farsi)
(to) beبودنbudanfa_be
(to) haveداشتنdashtanfa_have
(to) do / (to) makeکردن
can / (to) know how toتوانستنtavanestanfa_can
(to) know (how)دانستنdanestanfa_know_how
(to) know / (to) be acquainted withشناختنshenakhtanfa_know_be_acquainted_with
(to) understandفهمیدنfahmidanfa_understand
(to) speak / (to) talkصحبت کردن
حرف زدن
sohbat kardan
harf zadan
(to) listen toگوش دادنgush dadanfa_listen_to
(to) hearشنیدنshenidanfa_hear
(to) seeدیدنdidanfa_see
(to) feelاحساس کردنehsas kardanfa_feel
(to) liveزندگی کردنzendegi kardanfa_live
(to) wantخواستنkhastanfa_want
(to) needنیاز داشتنniaz dashtanfa_need
(to) likeدوست داشتنdust dashtanfa_like
(to) loveعشق ورزیدنeshgh varzidanfa_love
(to) giveدادنdadanfa_give
(to) takeگرفتنgereftanfa_take
(to) playبازی کردنbazi kardanfa_play
(to) laughخندیدنkhandidanfa_laugh
(to) comeآمدنamadanfa_come
(to) goرفتنraftanfa_go
(to) go by […]راندنrandanfa_go_by
(to) writeنوشتنneveshtanfa_write
(to) readخواندنkhandanfa_read
(to) countشمردنshemordanfa_count
(to) pronounceتلفظ کردنtalaffoz kardanfa_pronounce
(to) spellهجی کردنheji kardanfa_spell
(to) conjugateصرف کردنsarf kardanfa_conjugate
(to) rememberیاد آوردنyad avardanfa_remember
(to) forgetفراموش کردنfaramosh kardanfa_forget
(to) eatخوردنkhordanfa_eat
(to) tryسعی کردنsaai kardanfa_try
(to) useاستفاده کردنestefade kardanfa_use
(to) openباز کردنbaz kardanfa_open
(to) closeبستنbastanfa_close
(to) greet / (to) welcomeخوش امد گفتنkhosh amd goftanfa_greet_welcome
(to) beginشروع کردنshoru kardanfa_begin
(to) endتمام کردنtamam kardanfa_end

Vocabulary trainer: Basic Verbs in Persian

How do you say
(to) end
in Persian (Farsi)?

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