Now let’s learn some basic Albanian conversation. This lesson will teach you how to introduce yourself, as well as simple words and phrases like yes, no, excuse me and I don’t understand. Learn these and you’ll be ready to conduct short conversations in Albanian.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Albanian“.

Basic Albanian words & phrases: conversations

Basic conversation

please / you’re welcomeju lutem
jeni të mirëpritur

you’re very welcomeju jeni shumë të mirëpritur
thank youfaleminderit
thank you very muchfaleminderit shumë
Excuse me!Më falni!


I understand.Kuptoj.
I don’t understand.Nuk kuptoj.
Hello? (on the phone) / I beg your pardon?Përshëndetje?
Më falni?

What does that mean?Çfarë do të thotë kjo?
I don’t know.Nuk e di.
I don’t speak Polish.Nuk flas polonisht.
I speak a little Polish.Flas pak polonisht.
Do you speak English? (informal)A flet anglisht?
Do you speak English? (formal)A flisni anglisht?
Yes, I do speak English.Po, flas anglisht.
No, I don’t speak English.Jo, nuk flas anglisht.

Making acquaintances

Please talk more slowly!Ju lutemi flisni më ngadalë!
Nice to meet you!Gëzohem që u njohëm!
How are you?Si jeni?
Good, thank you!Mirë faleminderit!
I’m well, thanks!Mirë jam, faleminderit!
Not bad, thanks!Jo keq, faleminderit!
very badshumë keq
What’s your name?Si e ke emrin?
Si ju quajnë?
Cili është emri yt?

My name is [...].Unë quhem [...].
What’s your first name?Cili është emri juaj i parë?
My first name is [...]Emri im i parë është [...]
How old are you?Sa vjeç jeni?
I’m [...] years old.Unë jam [...] vjeç.
What are your hobbies?Cilat janë hobi juaj?
Cilat aktivitete ju pëlqejnë?

What do you like doing?Çfarë të pëlqen të bësh?
What are you doing (at the moment)?Çfarë jeni duke bërë (për momentin)?
Where do you live?Ku jetoni?
I live in [...].Unë jetoj në [...].
I’m from EnglandJam nga Anglia
I’m EnglishJam anglez

Vocabulary trainer: Conversations in Albanian

How do you say
Nice to meet you!
in Albanian?

Correct answers: 0Wrong answers: 0

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