We’ll now learn talking about parts of the human body as well as some useful Ukrainian words and phrases related to Health and Illnesses. Let’s hope you’ll never need them, but better be prepared than sorry as they say…
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Ukrainian“.
Previous lesson: Family & Friends
Next lesson: Cities & Traffic
The Body
English | Ukrainian | Ukrainian (Romanization) | Ukrainian (Stress) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
body [Sg] | тіло | tilo | tilo | uk-sing_body | bodies [Pl] | тіла | tila | tila | uk-plur_body |
head [Sg] | голова | holova | holova | uk-sing_head | heads [Pl] | голови | holovy | holovy | uk-plur_head |
face [Sg] | лице | lytse | lytse | uk-sing_face | faces [Pl] | лиця | lytsia | lytsia | uk-plur_face |
eye [Sg] | око | oko | oko | uk-sing_eye | eyes [Pl] | очі | ochi | ochi | uk-plur_eye |
ear [Sg] | вухо | vukho | vukho | uk-sing_ear | ears [Pl] | вуха | vukha | vukha | uk-plur_ear |
nose [Sg] | ніс | nis | nis | uk-sing_nose | noses [Pl] | носі | nosi | nosi | uk-plur_nose |
mouth [Sg] | рот | rot | rot | uk-sing_mouth | mouths [Pl] | роти | roty | roty | uk-plur_mouth |
tongue [Sg] | язик | yazyk | yazyk | uk-sing_tongue | tongues [Pl] | язики | yazyky | yazyky | uk-plur_tongue |
neck [Sg] | шій | shiy | shiy | uk-sing_neck | necks [Pl] | шея | sheya | sheya | uk-plur_neck |
chest [Sg] | грудь | hrud’ | hrud’ | uk-sing_chest | chests [Pl] | груді | hrudi | hrudi | uk-plur_chest |
back / shoulder [Sg] | плеч спина | plech spyna | plech spyna | uk-sing_backshoulder uk-sing_backshoulder-2 | backs / shoulders [Pl] | плечі | plechi | plechi | uk-plur_backshoulder |
stomach [Sg] | желудок | zheludok | zheludok | uk-sing_stomach | stomachs [Pl] | желудки | zheludky | zheludky | uk-plur_stomach |
heart [Sg] | серце | sertse | sertse | uk-sing_heart | hearts [Pl] | серця | sertsia | sertsia | uk-plur_heart |
arm [Sg] | рука | ruka | ruka | uk-sing_arm | arms [Pl] | руки | ruky | ruky | uk-plur_arm |
elbow [Sg] | локіть | lokit’ | lokit’ | uk-sing_elbow | elbows [Pl] | локоті | lokoti | lokoti | uk-plur_elbow |
hand [Sg] | рука | ruka | ruka | uk-sing_hand | hands [Pl] | руки | ruky | ruky | uk-plur_hand |
right hand | права рука | prava ruka | prava ruka | uk-sing_right-hand |
left hand | ліва рука | liva ruka | liva ruka | uk-sing_left-hand |
finger [Sg] | палець | palets’ | palets’ | uk-sing_finger | fingers [Pl] | пальці | pal’tsi | pal’tsI | uk-plur_finger |
leg [Sg] | нога | noha | noha | uk-sing_leg | legs [Pl] | ноги | nohy | nohy | uk-plur_leg |
foot [Sg] | нога | noha | noha | uk-sing_foot | feet [Pl] | ноги | nohy | nohy | uk-plur_foot |
skin | шкура | shkura | shkura | uk-sing_skin |
hair | волосі | voloci | volosi | uk-sing_hair |
tooth [Sg] | зуб | zub | zub | uk-sing_tooth | teeth [Pl] | зуби | zuby | zuby | uk-plur_tooth |
blood | кров | krov | krov | uk-sing_blood |
Health & Illnesses
English | Ukrainian | Ukrainian (Romanization) | Ukrainian (Stress) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
healthy | здоров, здорова | zdorov, zdorova | zdorov, zdorova | uk-sing_healthyuk-sing_healthy-2 |
ill / sick | хворий, хвора | khvoryy, khvora | khvoryy, khvora | uk-sing_illsickuk-sing_illsick-2 |
ache [Sg] | Біль | bil’ | bil’ | uk-sing_ache | aches [Pl] | болі | boli | boli | uk-plur_ache |
My [...] aches. / My [...] hurts. | У мене боліть […]. | U mene bolit’ […]. | U mene bolit’ […]. | uk-sing_my--achesmy--hurts |
My [...] ache. / My [...] hurt. | У мене болять […]. | U mene boliat’ […]. | U mene boliat’ […]. | uk-sing_my--achemy--hurt |
I have a stomach ache. | У мене боліть живіт. | U mene bolit' zhyvit. | U mene bolit' zhyvit. | uk-sing_i-have-a-stomach-ache |
My legs hurt. | У мене ноги болять. | U mene nohy boliat’. | U mene nohy boliat’. | uk-sing_my-legs-hurt |
doctor | лікар | likar | likar | uk-sing_doctor |
medical office / doctor’s surgery | лікарняний кабінет | likarnianyy kabinet | likarnianyy kabinet | uk-sing_medical-officedoctors-surgery |
chemist’s / drugstore | аптека | apteka | apteka | uk-sing_chemistsdrugstore |
hospital | лікарня | likarnia | likarnia | uk-sing_hospital |
illness / malady | хвороба | khvoroba | khvoroba | uk-sing_illnessmalady |
Vocabulary trainer: Body & Health in Ukrainian
How do you say
in Ukrainian?
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More Ukrainian lessons
- Numbers in Ukrainian
- Basic Conversation in Ukrainian
- Greeting & Farewell in Ukrainian
- Basic Ukrainian Verbs
- Basic Ukrainian Nouns
- Basic Ukrainian Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Ukrainian
- Countries & Languages in Ukrainian
- Date & Time in Ukrainian
- Holidays & Good wishes in Ukrainian
- Food & Drinks in Ukrainian
- People & Professions in Ukrainian
- Family & Friends in Ukrainian
- Cities & Traffic in Ukrainian
- Travelling & Leisure time in Ukrainian
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