Let’s talk about people, jobs and professions. These words and phrases will help you when talking about yourself and others, or when you’re planning to apply for a new job abroad.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Dutch“.
Previous lesson: Food & Drinks
Next lesson: Family & Friends
English | Dutch | Pronunciation (Audio) |
human (being) / person | mens persoon | nl-sing_human-beingperson nl-sing_human-beingperson-2 |
people / humans | mensen | nl-sing_peoplehumans |
woman | vrouw | nl-sing_woman |
man | man | nl-sing_man |
child | kind | nl-sing_child |
girl | meisje | nl-sing_girl |
boy | jongen | nl-sing_boy |
English | Dutch | Pronunciation (Audio) |
profession | beroep | nl-sing_profession |
employee / worker | werknemer arbeider | nl-sing_employeeworker nl-sing_employeeworker-2 |
clerk / official | bediende | nl-sing_clerkofficial |
colleague | collega | nl-sing_colleague |
pensioner / retiree | gepensioneerde | nl-sing_pensionerretiree |
unemployed person / jobseeker | werkloze werkzoekende | nl-sing_unemployed-personjobseeker nl-sing_unemployed-personjobseeker-2 |
doctor | dokter | nl-sing_doctor |
journalist | journalist | nl-sing_journalist |
engineer | ingenieur | nl-sing_engineer |
boss | baas | nl-sing_boss |
director | directeur regisseur | nl-sing_director nl-sing_director-2 |
manager | manager | nl-sing_manager |
secretary | secretaris | nl-sing_secretary |
driver | chauffeur | nl-sing_driver |
farmer | boer agrariër | nl-sing_farmer nl-sing_farmer-2 |
baker | bakker | nl-sing_baker |
salesman, saleswoman | verkoper, verkoopster | nl-sing_salesman-saleswomannl-sing_salesman-saleswoman-2 |
nurse | zuster | nl-sing_nurse |
policeman, policewoman | politieman, politievrouw | nl-sing_policeman-policewomannl-sing_policeman-policewoman-2 |
cook / chef | kok chef | nl-sing_cookchef nl-sing_cookchef-2 |
teacher, female teacher | leraar, lerares | nl-sing_teacher-female-teachernl-sing_teacher-female-teacher-2 |
shoemaker [Sg] | schoenmaker | nl-sing_shoemaker | shoemakers [Pl] | schoenmakers | nl-plur_shoemaker |
watchmaker [Sg] | horlogemaker | nl-sing_watchmaker | watchmakers [Pl] | horlogemakers | nl-plur_watchmaker |
Work & Application
English | Dutch | Pronunciation (Audio) |
(to) work | werken | nl-sing_to-work |
work / job | werk baan | nl-sing_workjob nl-sing_workjob-2 |
workplace | werkplek | nl-sing_workplace |
employment / occupation | werk in dienst beroep | nl-sing_employmentoccupation nl-sing_employmentoccupation-2 nl-sing_employmentoccupation-3 |
office | kantoor | nl-sing_office |
factory | fabriek | nl-sing_factory |
construction site | bouwplaats | nl-sing_construction-site |
salary | salaris | nl-sing_salary |
(to) earn | verdienen | nl-sing_to-earn |
(to) look for a job | werk zoeken | nl-sing_to-look-for-a-job |
(to) find a job | werk vinden | nl-sing_to-find-a-job |
job interview | sollicitatiegesprek | nl-sing_job-interview |
CV | CV | nl-sing_cv |
education | opleiding | nl-sing_education |
experience | ervaring | nl-sing_experience |
Vocabulary trainer: People & Professions in Dutch
How do you say
in Dutch?
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Next lesson: Family & Friends
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More Dutch lessons
- Numbers in Dutch
- Basic Conversation in Dutch
- Greeting & Farewell in Dutch
- Basic Dutch Verbs
- Basic Dutch Nouns
- Basic Dutch Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Dutch
- Countries & Languages in Dutch
- Date & Time in Dutch
- Holidays & Good wishes in Dutch
- Food & Drinks in Dutch
- Family & Friends in Dutch
- Body & Health in Dutch
- Cities & Traffic in Dutch
- Travelling & Leisure time in Dutch
- Dutch videos
- Dutch grammar
- Dutch alphabet & pronunciation
- Main page: Learn Dutch
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