Now let’s learn some basic Catalan conversation. This lesson will teach you how to introduce yourself, as well as simple words and phrases like yes, no, excuse me and I don’t understand. Learn these and you’ll be ready to conduct short conversations in Catalan.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Catalan“.
Previous lesson: Greeting & Farewell in Catalan
Next lesson: Colors & Appearance in Catalan
Basic conversation
English | Catalan | Pronunciation (Audio) |
yes | sí | ca-sing_yes |
no | no | ca-sing_no |
please / you’re welcome | si us plau de res | ca-sing_pleaseyoure-welcome ca-sing_pleaseyoure-welcome-2 |
you’re very welcome | ets molt benvingut, ets molt benvinguda | ca-sing_youre-very-welcomeca-sing_youre-very-welcome-2 |
thank you | gràcies | ca-sing_thank-you |
thank you very much | moltes gràcies | ca-sing_thank-you-very-much |
thanks | gràcies | ca-sing_thanks |
Excuse me! | Disculpi'm! | ca-sing_excuse-me |
English | Catalan | Pronunciation (Audio) |
I understand. | Entenc. | ca-sing_i-understand |
I don’t understand. | No ho entenc. | ca-sing_i-dont-understand |
Hello? / I beg your pardon? | Hola? Li demano disculpes! | ca-sing_helloi-beg-your-pardon ca-sing_helloi-beg-your-pardon-2 |
What does that mean? | Què vol dir? | ca-sing_what-does-that-mean |
I don’t know. | No ho sé. | ca-sing_i-dont-know |
I don’t speak Polish. | No parlo polonès. | ca-sing_i-dont-speak-polish |
I speak a little Polish. | Parlo una mica de polonès. | ca-sing_i-speak-a-little-polish |
Do you speak English? | Parles anglès? | ca-sing_do-you-speak-english |
Do you speak English? | Parles anglès? | ca-sing_do-you-speak-english |
Yes, I do speak English. | Sí, parlo anglès. | ca-sing_yes-i-do-speak-english |
No, I don’t speak English. | No, no parlo anglès. | ca-sing_no-i-dont-speak-english |
Making acquaintances
English | Catalan | Pronunciation (Audio) |
Please talk more slowly! | Si us plau, parla més lentament! | ca-sing_please-talk-more-slowly |
Nice to meet you! | Encantat de conèixer-te! | ca-sing_nice-to-meet-you |
How are you? | Com estàs? | ca-sing_how-are-you |
Good, thank you! | Bé, gràcies! | ca-sing_good-thank-you |
I’m well, thanks! | Estic bé, gràcies! | ca-sing_im-well-thanks |
Not bad, thanks! | No està malament, gràcies! | ca-sing_not-bad-thanks |
very bad | molt malament | ca-sing_very-bad |
What’s your name? | Com et dius? | ca-sing_whats-your-name |
My name is [...]. | El meu nom és [...]. | ca-sing_my-name-is- |
What’s your first name? | Com és el teu nom? | ca-sing_whats-your-first-name |
My first name is [...] | El meu nom és [...]. | ca-sing_my-first-name-is- |
How old are you? | Quants anys tens? | ca-sing_how-old-are-you |
I’m [...] years old. | Tinc [...] anys. | ca-sing_im--years-old |
What are your hobbies? | Quines són les teves aficions? | ca-sing_what-are-your-hobbies |
What do you like doing? | Què t'agrada fer? | ca-sing_what-do-you-like-doing |
What are you doing (at the moment)? | Què estàs fent (en aquest moment)? | ca-sing_what-are-you-doing-at-the-moment |
Where do you live? | On vius? | ca-sing_where-do-you-live |
I live in [...]. | Jo visc a [...]. | ca-sing_i-live-in- |
I’m from England | Sóc d'Anglaterra. | ca-sing_im-from-england |
I’m English | Sóc anglès., Sóc anglesa. | ca-sing_im-englishca-sing_im-english-2 |
Vocabulary trainer: Conversations in Catalan
How do you say
Excuse me!
in Catalan?
Correct answers: 0Wrong answers: 0
Previous lesson: Greeting & Farewell in Catalan
Next lesson: Colors & Appearance in Catalan
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More Catalan lessons
- Numbers in Catalan
- Greeting & Farewell in Catalan
- Basic Catalan Verbs
- Basic Catalan Nouns
- Basic Catalan Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Catalan
- Countries & Languages in Catalan
- Date & Time in Catalan
- Holidays & Good wishes in Catalan
- Food & Drinks in Catalan
- People & Professions in Catalan
- Family & Friends in Catalan
- Body & Health in Catalan
- Cities & Traffic in Catalan
- Travelling & Leisure time in Catalan
- Main page: Learn Catalan
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