Before we take a deep dive into Latvian conversations, let’s get some basics down. This lesson will teach you how to say hello, goodbye, see you tomorrow and other useful phrases in Latvian.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Latvian“.

Basic Words & Phrases: Saying Hello and Goodbye

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Good morning! / Good Day!Labrīt!

Good evening!Labvakar!
Good night!Ar labunakti!
Welcome! (informal)Esiet sveicināti!
Welcome! (formal)Laipni lūgti!
Welcome back!Ar atgriešanos!


Bye!Uz redzēšanos!
Goodbye!Uz redzēšanos!
Sleep well!Jaukus sapņus!
So long!Visu labu!
See you tomorrow!Līdz rītam!
Farewell!Uz redzēšanos!
Get out of here!Pazūdi no šejienes!

Vocabulary trainer: Greeting & Farewell in Latvian

How do you say
in Latvian?

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