Now you know how to talk about date and time in Korean, let’s continue with some more special occasions, holidays and how to wish people well in Korean.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Korean“.

Holidays & Good wishes in Korean

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Good wishes

All the best!모두 잘되길 빕니다!modu jal doe gil bib ni da!ko-sing_all-the-best
Congratulations!축하해요!chuk ha hae yo!ko-sing_congratulations
Good luck!행운을 빕니다!haeng un eul bib ni da!ko-sing_good-luck
Happy birthday!생일 축하해요!saeng il chuk ha hae yo!ko-sing_happy-birthday
Merry Christmas!메리 크리스마스!Merry Christmas!ko-sing_merry-christmas
Happy Easter!부활절 축복받으세요!bu hwal jeol chuk bok bat eu se yo!ko-sing_happy-easter
Happy New Year!새해 복 많이 받으세요!sae hae bok man hi bat eu se yo!ko-sing_happy-new-year
with all my heart / wholehearted온 마음을 다해서
on ma eum eul da hae seo
jin shim eu ro

Holidays & festive occasions

birthday생일saeng ilko-sing_birthday
Christmas성탄절seong tan jeolko-sing_christmas
Yule성탄절seong tan jeolko-sing_yule
Christmas Eve크리스마스이브Christmas Eveko-sing_christmas-eve
Easter부활절bu hwal jeolko-sing_easter
Easter holidays부활절 휴일bu hwal jeol hyu ilko-sing_easter-holidays
Pentecost / Whitsun오순절o sun jeolko-sing_pentecostwhitsun
New Year’s Eve새해 전날sae hae jeon nalko-sing_new-years-eve
New Year새해sae haeko-sing_new-year
wedding결혼gyeol honko-sing_wedding
name day이름 날ee leum nalko-sing_name-day
Valentine’s Day발렌타인데이Valentine’s Dayko-sing_valentines-day
anniversary기념일gi nyeom ilko-sing_anniversary


(to) invite초대를cho dae leulko-sing_to-invite
(to) wish소원을so won eulko-sing_to-wish
(to) make a gift선물을 만들러sun mul eul man deul lurko-sing_to-make-a-gift
(to) get가지러ga ji lurko-sing_to-get

Vocabulary & Phrases

party [Sg]잔치jan chiko-sing_party
parties [Pl]잔치들jan chi deulko-plur_party
birthday party생일 잔치saeng il jan chiko-sing_birthday-party
invitation [Sg]초대장cho dae jangko-sing_invitation
invitations [Pl]초대장들cho dae jang deulko-plur_invitation
I invite you to the party!잔치에 초대합니다!jan chi ae cho dae hap ni da!ko-sing_i-invite-you-to-the-party
wish [Sg]소원so wonko-sing_wish
wishes [Pl]소원들so won deulko-plur_wish
What would you like? / What do you want?뭐가 좋으시겠어요?
원시는 게 뭐에요?
mwoga jo uu shi get ur yo?
won ha shi nun gae mur ae yo?
surprise [Sg]n/aggam jjackko-sing_surprise
surprises [Pl]N/AN/Ako-plur_surprise
present / gift [Sg]선물sun mulko-sing_presentgift
presents / gifts [Pl]선물들sun mul deulko-plur_presentgift

Vocabulary trainer: Holidays & Good wishes in Korean

How do you say
Merry Christmas!
in Korean?

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