We’ll now learn talking about parts of the human body as well as some useful Korean words and phrases related to Health and Illnesses. Let’s hope you’ll never need them, but better be prepared than sorry as they say…

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Korean“.

Body & Health in Korean

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The Body

body [Sg]moomko-sing_body
bodies [Pl]몸들moom deulko-plur_body
head [Sg]머리mur riko-sing_head
heads [Pl]머리들mur ri deulko-plur_head
face [Sg]얼굴url gulko-sing_face
faces [Pl]얼굴들url gul deulko-plur_face
eye [Sg]nuunko-sing_eye
eyes [Pl]눈들nuun deulko-plur_eye
ear [Sg]gweiko-sing_ear
ears [Pl]귀들gwei deulko-plur_ear
nose [Sg]coko-sing_nose
noses [Pl]코들co deulko-plur_nose
mouth [Sg]ipko-sing_mouth
mouths [Pl]입들ip deulko-plur_mouth
tongue [Sg]hyurko-sing_tongue
tongues [Pl]혀들hyur deulko-plur_tongue
neck [Sg]mokko-sing_neck
necks [Pl]목들mok deulko-plur_neck
chest [Sg]가슴ga sumko-sing_chest
chests [Pl]가슴들ga sum deulko-plur_chest
back / shoulder
aur gae
stomach [Sg]weko-sing_stomach
stomachs [Pl]위들we deulko-plur_stomach
heart [Sg]심장shim jangko-sing_heart
hearts [Pl]심장들shim jang deulko-plur_heart
arm [Sg]palko-sing_arm
arms [Pl]팔들pal deulko-plur_arm
elbow [Sg]팔꿈치pal gum chiko-sing_elbow
elbows [Pl]팔들pal gum chi deulko-plur_elbow
hand [Sg]shonko-sing_hand
hands [Pl]손들shon deulko-plur_hand
right hand오른손o ruun shonko-sing_right-hand
left hand왼손when shonko-sing_left-hand
finger [Sg]손가락shon ga rakko-sing_finger
fingers [Pl]손가락들shon ga rak deulko-plur_finger
leg [Sg]다리da riko-sing_leg
legs [Pl]다리들da ri deulko-plur_leg
foot [Sg]balko-sing_foot
feet [Pl]발들bal deulko-plur_foot
skin피부pi buko-sing_skin
hair머리mur riko-sing_hair
tooth [Sg]eeko-sing_tooth
teeth [Pl]치아들chi ah deulko-plur_tooth

Health & Illnesses

healthy건강함gun gang hamko-sing_healthy
ill / sick아프다ah pue dako-sing_illsick
ache [Sg]아픔ah pumko-sing_ache
aches [Pl]아픔들ah pum deulko-plur_ache
My [...] aches. / My [...] hurts.제 […] 아파요.jae […] ah pa yoko-sing_my--achesmy--hurts
My [...] ache. / My [...] hurt.제[…] 아파요.jae […] ah pa yoko-sing_my--achemy--hurt
I have a stomach ache.배가 아파요bae ga ah pa yoko-sing_i-have-a-stomach-ache
My legs hurt.제 다리가 아파요.nae da ri ga ah pa yoko-sing_my-legs-hurt
doctor의사eu sako-sing_doctor
medical office / doctor’s surgery의료실
의사의 수술
eu ryo sil
eu sa wu su sul
chemist’s / drugstore약국yak gukko-sing_chemistsdrugstore
hospital병원byeung wonko-sing_hospital
illness / malady

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right hand
in Korean?

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