Our final vocabulary lesson is all about travelling and vacations. Learn these Italian words and you’ll be well prepared on your next journey abroad.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Italian“.

Travelling & Leisure time in Italian

Previous lesson:

Travelling & Leisure time

(to) travelviaggiare
journey / trip [Sg]viaggio
journeys / trips [Pl]viaggi
Bon voyage! / Have a good trip!buon viaggio!
holiday [Sg]vacanza
holidays [Pl]vacanze
suitcase [Sg]valigia
suitcases [Pl]valigie
(to) pack bagsfare le valigie
rucksack [Sg]zaino
rucksacks [Pl]zaini
guide bookguida
passport [Sg]passaporto
passports [Pl]passaporti
border [Sg]confine

borders [Pl]confini

hotel [Sg]hotel

hotels [Pl]hotel

(to) reserve / (to) bookprenotare
reservation [Sg]prenotazione
reservations [Pl]prenotazioni
tourist [Sg]turista
tourists [Pl]turisti
tourist informationpunto d'informazione per turisti
map / plan [Sg]mappa

maps / plan [Pl]mappe

city map / town mapmappa, cartina della città
trip / excursion [Sg]escursione
trips / excursions [Pl]escursioni
tent [Sg]tenda
tents [Pl]tende
camping sitecampeggio
(to) tent / (to) campaccamparsi
(to) bathe / (to) go swimmingfare il bagno
andare a nuotare

beach [Sg]spiaggia
beaches [Pl]spiaggie
(to) fly (e.g. by plane)volare
port / harbourporto

Vocabulary trainer: Travelling & Leisure time in Italian

How do you say
Bon voyage! / Have a good trip!
in Italian?

Correct answers: 0Wrong answers: 0

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