Now you know how to talk about date and time in Greek, let’s continue with some more special occasions, holidays and how to wish people well in Greek.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Greek“.
Previous lesson: Date & time
Next lesson: Food & Drinks
Good wishes
English | Greek | Greek (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
All the best! | Τα καλύτερα! | Ta kalítera! | el-sing_all-the-best |
Congratulations! | Συγχαρητήρια! | Sinkharitíria! | el-sing_congratulations |
Good luck! | Καλή τύχη! | Kalí tíkhi! | el-sing_good-luck |
Happy birthday! | Χαρούμενα γενέθλια! | Kharúmena yenéthlia! | el-sing_happy-birthday |
Merry Christmas! | Καλά χριστούγεννα! | Kalá khristúyenna! | el-sing_merry-christmas |
Happy Easter! | Καλό πάσχα! | Kaló páskha! | el-sing_happy-easter |
Happy New Year! | Ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος! | Eftikhisméno to néo étos! | el-sing_happy-new-year |
with all my heart / wholehearted | με όλη μου την καρδιά ολόψυχα | me óli mu tin kardiá olópsikha | el-sing_with-all-my-heartwholehearted el-sing_with-all-my-heartwholehearted-2 |
Holidays & festive occasions
English | Greek | Greek (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
birthday | γενέθλια | yenéthlia | el-sing_birthday |
Christmas | Χριστούγεννα | Khristúyenna | el-sing_christmas |
Yule | Χριστούγεννα | Khristúyenna | el-sing_yule |
Christmas Eve | παραμονή Χριστουγέννων | paramoní Khristuyénnon | el-sing_christmas-eve |
Easter | Πάσχα | Páskha | el-sing_easter |
Easter holidays | Πασχαλινές διακοπές | Paskhalinés diakopés | el-sing_easter-holidays |
Pentecost / Whitsun | Πεντηκοστή | Pentikostí | el-sing_pentecostwhitsun |
New Year’s Eve | Παραμονή Πρωτοχρονιάς | Paramoní Protokhroniás | el-sing_new-years-eve |
New Year | Νέος χρόνος Νέο έτος | Néos khrónos Néo étos | el-sing_new-year el-sing_new-year-2 |
wedding | γάμος | gámos | el-sing_wedding |
name day | ονομαστική εορτή | onomastikí eortí | el-sing_name-day |
Valentine’s Day | ημέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου | iméra tu Avíu Valentínu | el-sing_valentines-day |
anniversary | επέτειος | epétios | el-sing_anniversary |
English | Greek | Greek (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
(to) invite | καλώ | kaló | el-sing_to-invite |
(to) wish | εύχομαι | éfkhome | el-sing_to-wish |
(to) make a gift | φτιάχνω δώρο | ftiákhno dóro | el-sing_to-make-a-gift |
(to) get | παίρνω | pérno | el-sing_to-get |
Vocabulary & Phrases
English | Greek | Greek (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
party [Sg] | πάρτι | párti | el-sing_party | parties [Pl] | πάρτι | párti | el-plur_party |
birthday party | πάρτι γενεθλίων | párti yenethlíon | el-sing_birthday-party |
invitation [Sg] | πρόσκληση | prósklisi | el-sing_invitation | invitations [Pl] | προσκλήσεις | prosklísis | el-plur_invitation |
I invite you to the party! | Σε προσκαλώ στο πάρτι! | Se proskaló sto párti! | el-sing_i-invite-you-to-the-party |
wish [Sg] | ευχή | efkhí | el-sing_wish | wishes [Pl] | ευχές | efkhí | el-plur_wish |
What would you like? / What do you want? | Τι θα ήθελες | Ti tha ítheles? Esí ti thelis? | el-sing_what-would-you-likewhat-do-you-want |
surprise [Sg] | έκπληξη | ékplixi | el-sing_surprise | surprises [Pl] | εκπλήξεις | ekplíxis | el-plur_surprise |
present / gift [Sg] | δώρο | dóro | el-sing_presentgift | presents / gifts [Pl] | δώρα | dóra | el-plur_presentgift |
Vocabulary trainer: Holidays & Good wishes in Greek
How do you say
Happy birthday!
in Greek?
Correct answers: 0Wrong answers: 0
Previous lesson: Date & time
Next lesson: Food & Drinks
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More Greek lessons
- Numbers in Greek
- Basic Conversation in Greek
- Greeting & Farewell in Greek
- Basic Greek Verbs
- Basic Greek Nouns
- Basic Greek Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Greek
- Countries & Languages in Greek
- Date & Time in Greek
- Food & Drinks in Greek
- People & Professions in Greek
- Family & Friends in Greek
- Body & Health in Greek
- Cities & Traffic in Greek
- Travelling & Leisure time in Greek
- Main page: Learn Greek
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