Let’s talk about people, jobs and professions. These words and phrases will help you when talking about yourself and others, or when you’re planning to apply for a new job abroad.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Slovenian“.
Previous lesson: Food & Drinks
Next lesson: Family & Friends
English | Slovenian |
human (being) / person | človek oseba |
people / humans | ljudje osebe |
woman | ženska |
man | moški |
child | otrok |
girl | dekle |
boy | fant |
English | Slovenian |
profession | poklic |
employee / worker | zaposleni delavec |
clerk / official | referent uradnik |
colleague | sodelavec |
pensioner / retiree | upokojenec |
unemployed person / jobseeker | nezaposleni |
doctor | doktor |
journalist | novinar |
engineer | inženir |
boss | šef |
director | direktor |
manager | upravitelj |
secretary | tajnica |
driver | voznik |
farmer | kmet |
baker | pek |
salesman, saleswoman | prodajalec, prodajalka |
nurse | medicinska sestra |
policeman, policewoman | policaj, policistka |
cook / chef | kuhar |
teacher, female teacher | učitelj, učiteljica |
shoemaker [Sg] | čevljar | shoemakers [Pl] | čevljarji |
watchmaker [Sg] | urar | watchmakers [Pl] | urarji |
Work & Application
English | Slovenian |
(to) work | delati |
work / job | delo služba |
workplace | delovno mesto |
employment / occupation | zaposlitev poklic |
office | pisarna |
factory | tovarna |
construction site | gradbišče |
salary | plača |
(to) earn | zaslužiti |
(to) look for a job | iskati delo |
(to) find a job | najti delo |
job interview | intervju za delo |
CV | življenjepis |
education | izobrazba |
experience | izkušnje |
Vocabulary trainer: People & Professions in Slovenian
How do you say
job interview
in Slovenian?
Correct answers: 0Wrong answers: 0
Previous lesson: Food & Drinks
Next lesson: Family & Friends
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More Slovenian lessons
- Numbers in Slovenian
- Basic Conversation in Slovenian
- Greeting & Farewell in Slovenian
- Basic Slovenian Verbs
- Basic Slovenian Nouns
- Basic Slovenian Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Slovenian
- Countries & Languages in Slovenian
- Date & Time in Slovenian
- Holidays & Good wishes in Slovenian
- Food & Drinks in Slovenian
- Family & Friends in Slovenian
- Body & Health in Slovenian
- Cities & Traffic in Slovenian
- Travelling & Leisure time in Slovenian
- Slovenian videos
- Main page: Learn Slovenian
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