Now you know how to talk about date and time in Croatian, let’s continue with some more special occasions, holidays and how to wish people well in Croatian.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Croatian“.
Previous lesson: Date & time
Next lesson: Food & Drinks
Good wishes
English | Croatian | Pronunciation (Audio) |
All the best! | Sve najbolje! | hr-sing_all-the-best |
Congratulations! | Čestitke! | hr-sing_congratulations |
Good luck! | Sretno! | hr-sing_good-luck |
Happy birthday! | Sretan rođendan! | hr-sing_happy-birthday |
Merry Christmas! | Sretan Božić! | hr-sing_merry-christmas |
Happy Easter! | Sretan Uskrs! | hr-sing_happy-easter |
Happy New Year! | Sretna Nova godina! | hr-sing_happy-new-year |
with all my heart / wholehearted | od sveg srca cijelim srcem | hr-sing_with-all-my-heartwholehearted hr-sing_with-all-my-heartwholehearted-2 |
Holidays & festive occasions
English | Croatian | Pronunciation (Audio) |
birthday | rođendan | hr-sing_birthday |
Christmas | Božić | hr-sing_christmas |
Yule | Yule | hr-sing_yule |
Christmas Eve | Badnje veče Badnjak | hr-sing_christmas-eve hr-sing_christmas-eve-2 |
Easter | Uskrs | hr-sing_easter |
Easter holidays | Uskršnji praznici | hr-sing_easter-holidays |
Pentecost / Whitsun | Duhovi | hr-sing_pentecostwhitsun |
New Year’s Eve | Novogodišnja večer | hr-sing_new-years-eve |
New Year | Nova godina | hr-sing_new-year |
wedding | vjenčanje | hr-sing_wedding |
name day | imendan | hr-sing_name-day |
Valentine’s Day | Valentinovo | hr-sing_valentines-day |
anniversary | godišnjica | hr-sing_anniversary |
English | Croatian | Pronunciation (Audio) |
(to) invite | pozvati | hr-sing_to-invite |
(to) wish | željeti | hr-sing_to-wish |
(to) make a gift | spremiti dar | hr-sing_to-make-a-gift |
(to) get | dobiti | hr-sing_to-get |
Vocabulary & Phrases
English | Croatian | Pronunciation (Audio) |
party [Sg] | zabava | hr-sing_party | parties [Pl] | zabave | hr-plur_party |
birthday party | rođendanska zabava | hr-sing_birthday-party |
invitation [Sg] | pozivnica | hr-sing_invitation | invitations [Pl] | pozivnice | hr-plur_invitation |
I invite you to the party! | Pozivam te na zabavu! | hr-sing_i-invite-you-to-the-party |
wish [Sg] | želja | hr-sing_wish | wishes [Pl] | želje | hr-plur_wish |
What would you like? / What do you want? | Šta želite? Šta hoćeš? | hr-sing_what-would-you-likewhat-do-you-want hr-sing_what-would-you-likewhat-do-you-want-2 |
surprise [Sg] | iznenađenje | hr-sing_surprise | surprises [Pl] | iznenađenja | hr-plur_surprise |
present / gift [Sg] | dar | hr-sing_presentgift | presents / gifts [Pl] | darovi | hr-plur_presentgift |
Vocabulary trainer: Holidays & Good wishes in Croatian
How do you say
in Croatian?
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Next lesson: Food & Drinks
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More Croatian lessons
- Numbers in Croatian
- Basic Conversation in Croatian
- Greeting & Farewell in Croatian
- Basic Croatian Verbs
- Basic Croatian Nouns
- Basic Croatian Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Croatian
- Countries & Languages in Croatian
- Date & Time in Croatian
- Food & Drinks in Croatian
- People & Professions in Croatian
- Family & Friends in Croatian
- Body & Health in Croatian
- Cities & Traffic in Croatian
- Travelling & Leisure time in Croatian
- Main page: Learn Croatian
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