Alright, now it’s time to learn some vocabulary related to date and time. This lesson will teach you how the days of the week, months, seasons and times of day are called in Japanese.
This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Japanese“.
Previous lesson: Basic Japanese adjectives
Next lesson: Holidays & Good wishes
Days of the week
English | Japanese | Japanese (Hiragana) | Japanese (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
Monday | 月曜日 | げつようび | getsuyoubi | ja-sing_monday |
Tuesday | 火曜日 | かようび | kayoubi | ja-sing_tuesday |
Wednesday | 水曜日 | すいようび | suiyoubi | ja-sing_wednesday |
Thursday | 木曜日 | もくようび | mokuyoubi | ja-sing_thursday |
Friday | 金曜日 | きんようび | kinyoubi | ja-sing_friday |
Saturday | 土曜日 | どようび | doyoubi | ja-sing_saturday |
Sunday | 日曜日 | にちようび | nichiyoubi | ja-sing_sunday |
Weekend | 週末 | しゅうまつ | shuumatsu | ja-sing_weekend |
on Monday | 月曜日に | げつようびに | getsuyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-monday |
on Tuesday | 火曜日に | かようびに | kayoubi ni | ja-sing_on-tuesday |
on Wednesday | 水曜日に | すいようびに | suiyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-wednesday |
on Thursday | 木曜日に | もくようびに | mokuyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-thursday |
on Friday | 金曜日に | きんようびに | kinyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-friday |
on Saturday | 土曜日に | どようびに | doyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-saturday |
on Sunday | 日曜日に | にちようびに | nichiyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-sunday |
at the weekend | その週末に | そのしゅうまつに | sono shuumatsu ni | ja-sing_at-the-weekend |
on Mondays | 月曜日に | げつようびに | getsuyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-mondays |
on Tuesdays | 火曜日に | かようびに | kayoubi ni | ja-sing_on-tuesdays |
on Wednesdays | 水曜日に | すいようびに | suiyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-wednesdays |
on Thursdays | 木曜日に | もくようびに | mokuyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-thursdays |
on Fridays | 金曜日に | きんようびに | kinyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-fridays |
on Saturdays | 土曜日に | どようびに | doyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-saturdays |
on Sundays | 日曜日に | にちようびに | nichiyoubi ni | ja-sing_on-sundays |
at Weekends | 週末に | しゅうまつに | syuumatsu ni | ja-sing_at-weekends |
English | Japanese | Japanese (Hiragana) | Japanese (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
January | 一月 | いちがつ | ichigatsu | ja-sing_january |
February | 二月 | にがつ | nigatsu | ja-sing_february |
March | 三月 | さんがつ | sangatsu | ja-sing_march |
April | 4月 | しがつ | shigatsu | ja-sing_april |
May | 5月 | ごがつ | gogatsu | ja-sing_may |
June | 6月 | ろくがつ | rokugatsu | ja-sing_june |
July | 7月 | しちがつ | shichigatsu | ja-sing_july |
August | 8月 | はちがつ | hachigatsu | ja-sing_august |
September | 9月 | くがつ | kugatsu | ja-sing_september |
October | 10月 | じゅうがつ | juugatsu | ja-sing_october |
November | 11月 | じゅういちがつ | juuichigatsu | ja-sing_november |
December | 12月 | じゅうにがつ | juunigatsu | ja-sing_december |
English | Japanese | Japanese (Hiragana) | Japanese (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
Spring | 春 | はる | haru | ja-sing_spring |
Summer | 夏 | なつ | natsu | ja-sing_summer |
Autumn / Fall | 秋 | あき | aki | ja-sing_autumnfall |
Winter | 冬 | ふゆ | fuyu | ja-sing_winter |
Times of Day
English | Japanese | Japanese (Hiragana) | Japanese (Romanization) | Pronunciation (Audio) |
morning | 朝 | あさ | asa | ja-sing_morning |
forenoon | 午前 | ごぜん | gozen | ja-sing_forenoon |
noon | 正午 | しょうご | shougo | ja-sing_noon |
afternoon | 午後 | ごご | gogo | ja-sing_afternoon |
evening | 夕方 | ゆうがた | yuugata | ja-sing_evening |
night | 夜 | よる | yoru | ja-sing_night |
midnight | 真夜中 | まよなか | mayonaka | ja-sing_midnight |
Vocabulary trainer: Date & Time in Japanese
How do you say
in Japanese?
Correct answers: 0Wrong answers: 0
Previous lesson: Basic Japanese nouns
Next lesson: Holidays & Good wishes
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- Numbers in Japanese
- Basic Conversation in Japanese
- Greeting & Farewell in Japanese
- Basic Japanese Verbs
- Basic Japanese Nouns
- Basic Japanese Adjectives
- Colors & Appearance in Japanese
- Countries & Languages in Japanese
- Holidays & Good wishes in Japanese
- Food & Drinks in Japanese
- People & Professions in Japanese
- Family & Friends in Japanese
- Body & Health in Japanese
- Cities & Traffic in Japanese
- Travelling & Leisure time in Japanese
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