Alright, now it’s time to learn some vocabulary related to date and time. This lesson will teach you how the days of the week, months, seasons and times of day are called in Chinese.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Chinese (Mandarin)“.

Date & time in Chinese

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Days of the week

Monday星期一xīng qī yīzh-sing_monday
Tuesday星期二xīng qī èrzh-sing_tuesday
Wednesday星期三xīng qī sānzh-sing_wednesday
Thursday星期四xīng qī sìzh-sing_thursday
Friday星期五xīng qī wǔzh-sing_friday
Saturday星期六xīng qī liùzh-sing_saturday
Sunday星期天xīng qī tiānzh-sing_sunday
Weekend周末zhōu mòzh-sing_weekend
on Monday在星期一zài xīng qī yīzh-sing_on-monday
on Tuesday在星期二zài xīng qī èrzh-sing_on-tuesday
on Wednesday在星期三zài xīng qī sānzh-sing_on-wednesday
on Thursday在星期四zài xīng qī sìzh-sing_on-thursday
on Friday在星期五zài xīng qī wǔzh-sing_on-friday
on Saturday在星期六zài xīng qī liùzh-sing_on-saturday
on Sunday在星期天zài xīng qī tiānzh-sing_on-sunday
at the weekend在周末zài zhōu mòzh-sing_at-the-weekend
on Mondays每周一měi zhōu yīzh-sing_on-mondays
on Tuesdays每周二měi zhōu èrzh-sing_on-tuesdays
on Wednesdays每周三měi zhōu sānzh-sing_on-wednesdays
on Thursdays每周四měi zhōu sìzh-sing_on-thursdays
on Fridays每周五měi zhōu wǔzh-sing_on-fridays
on Saturdays每周六měi zhōu liùzh-sing_on-saturdays
on Sundays每周日měi zhōu rìzh-sing_on-sundays
at Weekends每个周末měi zhōu mòzh-sing_at-weekends


January一月yī yuèzh-sing_january
February二月èr yuèzh-sing_february
March三月sān yuèzh-sing_march
April四月sì yuèzh-sing_april
May五月wǔ yuèzh-sing_may
June六月liù yuèzh-sing_june
July七月qī yuèzh-sing_july
August八月bā yuèzh-sing_august
September九月jiǔ yuèzh-sing_september
October十月shí yuèzh-sing_october
November十一月shí yī yuèzh-sing_november
December十二月shí èr yuèzh-sing_december


Spring春季chūn jìzh-sing_spring
Summer夏季xià jìzh-sing_summer
Autumn / Fall秋季qiū jìzh-sing_autumnfall
Winter冬季dōng jìzh-sing_winter

Times of Day

morning上午shàng wǔzh-sing_morning
forenoon午前wǔ qiánzh-sing_forenoon
noon正午zhèng wǔzh-sing_noon
afternoon下午xià wǔzh-sing_afternoon
evening晚上wǎn shàngzh-sing_evening
night夜间yè jiānzh-sing_night
midnight午夜wǔ yèzh-sing_midnight

Vocabulary trainer: Date & Time in Chinese

How do you say
on Tuesdays
in Chinese?

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