Nouns represent people or things. You’ll need them whenever you want to refer to somebody or something. Memorize the Finnish nouns below and you’ll be well equipped for almost every basic conversation.

This lesson is part of the chapter “Learning Finnish“.

Basic Words & Phrases: Nouns

Previous lesson:

Important nouns

child [Sg]lapsi
children [Pl]lapset
man [Sg]mies
men [Pl]miehet
woman [Sg]nainen
women [Pl]naiset
family [Sg]perhe
families [Pl]perheet
town / city [Sg]kylä

towns / cities [Pl]kylät

country [Sg]maa
countries [Pl]maat
world [Sg]maailma
worlds [Pl]maailmat
house [Sg]talo
houses [Pl]talot
car [Sg]auto
cars [Pl]autot
street / road [Sg]tie
streets / roads [Pl]tiet
shop [Sg]kauppa
shops [Pl]kaupat
door [Sg]ovi
doors [Pl]ovet
table [Sg]pöytä
tables [Pl]pöydät
chair [Sg]tuoli
chairs [Pl]tuolit
window [Sg]ikkuna
windows [Pl]ikkunat
newspaper [Sg]sanomalehti
newspapers [Pl]sanomalehdet
book [Sg]kirja
books [Pl]kirjat
pen [Sg]kynä
pens [Pl]kynät
bag [Sg]kassi

bags [Pl]kassit

rucksack [Sg]reppu
rucksacks [Pl]reput
happiness [Sg]onnellisuus
happiness [Pl]onnellisuudet
love [Sg]rakkaus
love [Pl]rakkaudet
flower [Sg]kukka
flowers [Pl]kukat
ball [Sg]pallo
balls [Pl]pallot
work [Sg]työ
works [Pl]työt
vacation [Sg]loma
vacations [Pl]lomat
passport [Sg]passi
passports [Pl]passit
language [Sg]kieli
languages [Pl]kielet
question [Sg]kysymys
questions [Pl]kysymykset
answer [Sg]vastaus
answers [Pl]vastaukset
beginning / start [Sg]aloitus

beginnings / starts [Pl]aloitukset

end [Sg]lopetus

ends [Pl]lopetukset

Vocabulary trainer: Basic Nouns in Finnish

How do you say
in Finnish?

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