Learn the German language with App2Brain.com!

Our vocabulary lessons will help you quickly build up your basic vocabulary, while our online vocabulary trainer will help you reinforce the words and phrases you have learned.

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Learn the German language

1. Learn the German Alphabet and Pronunciation

Learn German

German Alphabet & Pronunciation

3. Train them with our Free Vocabulary Trainer

Train and repeat what you’ve learned in our vocabulary lessons:

How do you say
in German?

Correct answers: 0Wrong answers: 0
Beginners guide to learning languages

Download your free language learning guide

Our free 18-page PDF ebook will teach you how to:

  • Get (and stay) motivated learning a new language
  • Achieve 80% of your goals with only 20% of the effort
  • Make your learning experience more fun than ever

Download the free ebook

4. Learn the basics of German grammar

Learning a new language won’t work without a bit of grammar. But it’s also the place where most people get stuck, because it’s an endless topic and it’s hard to know where to start.

That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive introduction to German grammar, showing you the things you really need to know to get started with German quickly.

Ready for a head start into German grammar? Let’s go!

Learn German

Learn German Grammar

5. Watch our recommended Videos

Videos are a perfect way to learn a new language. We’ve compiled a list of the most useful and fun ones that will help you get started quickly and stay motivated along the way.

Learn German

Watch our top 10 videos for learning German

6. More German Audio & Video Lessons

Learn German wherever you want! These awesome audio and video lessons will help you get started speaking and understanding German in no time. Highly recommended!

Learn German

Learn German now for free

7. About the German language

German is one of the most important languages in the world, not only because of the number of speakers (it has the biggest number of native speakers in the European Union, after all), but because of the impact that German-speakers have had in western culture and still do. Throughout the years, German has been the language of some of the most important personalities that have contributed to science, music, and philosophy: Freud, Einstein, Hegel, Kant, Nietzsche, Marx, Goethe, Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Schubert… just to name a few. A lot of the Western world’s most important documents and works of art were produced in German, and continue to be produced in this language. Not to mention that nowadays Germany enjoys the most powerful economy in Europe and the forth in the whole world, the possibilities from a business point of view are endless! But it’s not all about the money, because learning this language will be the master key to opening the cultures of other wonderful countries: it’s the official language in Austria and Liechtenstein, and it’s also one of the official languages in Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg.

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